November 2011 Moms

Need help with baby's gas!

I'm just not sure what I am missing on this. Ds is breastfed...I burp him constantly and I get some mightly big burps out, he doesn't have green poops so I believe that I have corrected my foremilk hindmilk imbalance. He's been flailing his legs at night which I think is gas... Dh comes home tonight ds starts fussing in his crib so he gets him and brings ds into living room. Ds farts so loud it sounded like when he poops...not sure what sparked this fiat fart out but I am hoping he sleeps better tonight because of it.  But I'm really looking for some tips on what I am missing. I have tried gas drops gripe water bicycling his doesnt really seem to bother him that much other than I believe it effects his sleeping
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Re: Need help with baby's gas!

  • I've heard massaging their abdomen can help get gas out. Also, burping after every oz. fed or when you switch breast. Good luck!
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  • have you tried infant gas drops? My LO has horrible gas and I put it in with his formula about every other feeding when he's gassy and fussy. Helps him eat and sleep better. If you are BF I heard you can just use the dropper to put it in his mouth before feeding.
    Married 02.06.10
    DS1 born 11.19.11
    DS2 born 07.02.14

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  • we started a probiotic drop, Bio Gaia a week ago and LO is much better.  Unfortunatley its hard to tell if its the drops or he's growing out of the gas issues.


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married 11/10
    Birth of our 1st bundle 11/11
    MC 05/14
    EDD of our 2nd bundle 06/15
  • My LO has bad gas, too - I can relate.  There are times at night that I think she would sleep longer if it wasn't for the gas.  She literally wakes herself up, cries, farts, and then lays there awake.  I burp her constantly and even on "off feeding" times, she will let out burps and farts.  We give her gas drops but I don't know how much it helps her.  We had her on Enfamil AR for her reflux and tried to switch her to the Gentlease, but went back to AR almost immediately because the Gentlease was not a good fit for her.  She threw up constantly.  I wish I had an answer for you, but I really can just commiserate...

    Hang in there!!!

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  • Is your LO upset for long periods of time when he has gas?  The reason I ask is that Phin has terrible toots as well, but when I asked his pediatrician about it, she said that unless he was finicky for long periods of time, then not to worry about it.  Phin is usually only upset for about 1 minute prior to the toot.  After it's out, he's fine.  She said this disposition does not warrant using gas drops. 

    On a side note, Phin does not usually burp and his pediatrician further clarified that "as long as it's coming out one end or the other, don't worry!" 

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