Anna Claire (6 lbs. 2 oz.) and Laura Renee (4 lbs. 13 oz.) arrived on January 17 at 36w2d. My c-section date was moved up because Laura was showing signs of compromised blood flow. The night before the c-sect. I started experiencing painful contractions. By the time we got to the hospital, I was 6-7 cm. dilated. Things happened very quickly! The girls were born (via section) within an hour after we arrived.
Thanks for all the encouragement and advice throughout the pregnancy. I have learned a lot and I hope to someday help out other MoMs to be.
Re: They are here!
Congrats!!! Love your names
Hope you're all home and doing well. Best of luck for the next couples weeks!
Married 6/25/10**TTC #1 July 2011**BFP 11/1/11**EDD 7/11/12**U/S shows TWINS!!! 11/30/11
Fraternal girls born at 35+4. Slow down baby girls!!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Thirty Tiny Toes: My Triplet Blog