
Zofran Question

I am definitely experiencing the "twice as bad" m/s. I puke all day. I can't go pee without puking....something about the way our bathroom smells...not dirty but stupid aversions. If I get up to pee in the middle of the night I puke too. I'm also having trouble keeping liquids down. Mostly afraid to drink liquids at this point. So I have an appt tomorrow and have been considering asking for Zofran. Experiences? Yay/Nay? I sucked it up till 16wks with DS, but this time is WAY worse.
DS Born July 2008
#2 & #3 Due 8/25/12
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Re: Zofran Question

  • i took Zofran with DD and with this pregnancy and i honestly dont think i would have made it past the "all day sickness" without it.  GL hope you feel better
  • Zofran, to me, is a miracle drug. I didn't have horrific vomiting, but as a grad student who had to drive 30 miles to school every day, I needed to NOT be queasy and dizzy and dry-heaving in the mornings. I also have to confess it was super easy to get because my DH is a doctor, but I am SO glad he went out and got some the minute we found out I was pregnant.


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  • Zofran was my BFF my entire pregnancy! I had morning/noon/night sickness for all 9 months. In fact I was still getting such bad morning sickness the couple of weeks before I delivered that I started to worry the Zofran would mask signs of labor and really started to watch when I took it to make sure it was actually morning sickness and not nausea from being in labor. I would say take it! No reason to be miserable, there will be plenty of time for that in the 3rd tri.
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  • Get the drugs!!! I was the same way & it is better. Not 100% great, but at least I am not exhausted from no food & feeling so yucky from throwing u all day.
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  • I took Zofran for the first three months of pregnancy because my morning sickness started at 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. Plus I'm also a SAHM to a 2 yr old and couldn't get off my couch to take care of him without it (the room would spin). I didn't have any negative effects from taking it. My fertility doctor and ob both had no problems prescribing it for me either luckily!
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  • Yes, ask for Zofran! I tried and tried to manage my M/S for weeks without medicine. I try pretty hard, even while not pregnant, to avoid medication if I can help it. Two things convinced me to ask for the presciption. 

    1) I literally could not do my job. I fly in a helicopter for work, and I was throwing up every.single.time. we went somewhere. I had to be able to take care of my patients, which I wasn't able to do any longer.

    2) More importantly on a personal level was the fact that I wasn't doing my babies any good by trying to tough it out. They are relying on us to provide what they need, and I wasn't able to do it. If you can't keep food or liquid down, you aren't doing yourself or them any favors.  Dehydration and weight loss while pregnant with multiples can cause serious complications, but I doubt that's new info for you. 

    Ask your doctor for help. Just because you have the medication, doesn't mean you have to take it all day every day. I'm still taking Zofran every day at work (Two, 24-hour shifts a week) but not at all when I'm home. I've finally gained back the weight I lost in the beginning.  

    Best of luck to you, and I hope you start feeling better soon!  

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  • I'm still taking it daily. For a while I thought maybe it wasn't working so I skipped a couple days. Well even though I still get sick it sure was working! I was so much worse without it.

    My insurance covers 12 pills a month (and they consider that a 2 day dose, so WTF?) and it's worth it to me to pay cash for the rest of the month. I also got a 8mg pill and sometimes can take 1/2 a pill at a time. Also target has a discount program on zofran if you have insurance issues. With DD 5 years ago it would have been over $100 a pill! Since then they came out with a generic thank goodness. 

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  • I had worse m/s with my youngest singleton than with my twins. I might have thrown up longer with the twins but I lost more with my youngest. I stopped puking with the twins the day after I delivered. I had home iv's, zofran, pepcid, etc. I lost 20 pounds. With my youngest I lost 30 and the iv's were in the hospital.
  • Thanks everyone. I am definitely asking for Zofran!
    DS Born July 2008
    #2 & #3 Due 8/25/12
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imagesweetsugarmama:

    I'm still taking it daily. For a while I thought maybe it wasn't working so I skipped a couple days. Well even though I still get sick it sure was working! I was so much worse without it.

    My insurance covers 12 pills a month (and they consider that a 2 day dose, so WTF?) and it's worth it to me to pay cash for the rest of the month. I also got a 8mg pill and sometimes can take 1/2 a pill at a time. Also target has a discount program on zofran if you have insurance issues. With DD 5 years ago it would have been over $100 a pill! Since then they came out with a generic thank goodness. 

    I had to coordinate a call from my OBs office to my prescription benefit provider for an "override." My insurance was only allowing 12 pills at a time, for a $10 copay. (So we were paying $10 every three days.) I found some info on their website that would allow for a month supply for the same $10 copay.... I did some digging and ended up getting my insurance to accept the override and got 120 pills. Saves us money and trips to Walgreen's every three days. 

    Is that something you could do?  

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    Fraternal girls born at 35+4. Slow down baby girls!!
  • There really is only one negative ---- the constipation. I'd take that over 24/7 nausea any day!!
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  • I took the generic Zofran from weeks 8-22 or so and it was a magic drug for me.  Yes it does cause constipation so take some Colace as needed.
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  • imagecakpeterson:
    There really is only one negative ---- the constipation. I'd take that over 24/7 nausea any day!!
    Yes. And for this reason, I highly recommend Miralax.


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

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  • I had to take it my entire pregnancy, just note it makes you constipated so you will need some type of fiber. I used benefiber.


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  • I wouldn't have survived without it! It was so bad before the Zofran that DH bought a special mop bucket for me to carry around the house, just in case the urge came and I couldn't make it to the bathroom. That bucket was my companion for the first 10 weeks of my pregnancy.

    Be aware, the biggest side effect from it is atrocious migraine headaches. And naturally, all you can take is regular strength Tylenol for it :( But it's worth it not to pray to the porcelain god like a college frat boy!

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  • It was a miracle drug for me. I held out until 11 weeks and then couldn't do it anymore. Once I took the zofran I couldn't believe I waited so long. The only problem was it constipated me really bad.
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  • I had all day sickness and vomiting with my first two pregnancies, but nothing like it was this time. I started Zofran at 5.5 weeks and I literally think I would have been hospitalized without it; I couldn't even keep water down. I took it until 15 weeks or so and have been good ever since. 
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  • I took Zofran during both of my pregnancies and thought it was extremely helpful.  I do not know what I would have done without it.  The only side effect I experienced was the constipation that the PPs have mentioned.  My OB suggested Miralax and it worked well for keeping things moving.  Good luck.  Hope you feel better soon.
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  • I took Zofran for a little over a month and at first it was pretty effective for me. However, it started giving me migraines and also began not working as well (weeks 10-12 I wasn't able to keep anything down and was on IVs at home 3-4 days a week). Things have finally started to get a little better for me, but I am taking just benadryl at this point, which does help some, because the Zofran migraines were just causing me to throw up more. I hope the Zofran will work for you and bring you relief - it seems to work for a lot of people very well!
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  • imageflutepharm87:

    Be aware, the biggest side effect from it is atrocious migraine headaches. And naturally, all you can take is regular strength Tylenol for it :( But it's worth it not to pray to the porcelain god like a college frat boy!


    I am prone to headaches so that is a fear, but to not need to puke every second would be worth it! 

    DS Born July 2008
    #2 & #3 Due 8/25/12
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks for all the replies! I'll be asking for this today and will pick up some miralax too. 
    DS Born July 2008
    #2 & #3 Due 8/25/12
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm just so happy you're on here!!!
  • I hope it works better for you than it did me!  :)  I took it from week 6 to 16 because I was so sick every day I didn't want to even be awake, but it didn't really seem to do anything. 
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