Anyone have this situation? My DH works on the river and is gone for a few weeks then home for a few. It's nice to have the unlimited time and help but I figure it will be quite the situation to get used to when he is gone! lol
We have a 6 year old, she'll be almost 7 when this LO is born but DD2 will turn 1 just a few weeks before this one comes. I know my oldest DD will be a big help as she is now and loves helping but I figure it will be alot to take in at first. Especially getting her to school (we live in town and have to drive her). So i'll be getting 3 little ones up and in car seats just to drive 1/2 a mile lol.
I am not too worried. It's life and you figure out a routine. We're blessed this happened because we dealt with 5 years of infertility and had to do IVF with DD2. Not having to try or do medical treatments was literally a dream come true for us!
Any similar situations though? How did your routine play out? I have no other help besides DH. My parents work full time, I have no siblings, and no friends that can help out if I need a quick run to the grocery store, pay bills, take a shower, cook, etc! When he is gone, it's all on me. I'm definetly anxious to see how everything will go! : )
Re: 2u2 and a DH that is away for work
Our family blog
My DH deployed when my younger one was 6 months and my older one was 22 months. He returned in December when my younger one was 13 months and my older one was 2.5.
I kept a blog during that time if you are interested. My biggest piece of advice is to get out of your house every day. My longest, most miserable days where the days that I didn't ever go out and do anything. Even if I just went to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, I found it helped my mood. I also had a babysitter who came at the same time every week. If I didn't have an appointment or errands, I would just go drink some coffee and read a book. Lastly, I invited friends for dinner a lot and went to friends houses a lot. It helped that 4-bedtime time period to get out and hang with friends.
You can do it!
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens
This is me too, but my family is nearby - they just all work full-time. i also only get out of the house once of twice a week, but that's more because of the season. When DS1 was a newborn we got out of the house more cause the weather was nicer.
I could not agree about the naps more! Good luck!
DH works all the time so I am alone from morning to sleep. He sees the kids for about 10 min in the morning and comes home after they are asleep. Both sides live nearby but work full time.
Routine was everything...and getting them on the same routine was key! I didn't really master this until DS was 5 months because he took 5 thirty min naps a day! I change diapers all at the same time (unless poop) feed at the same time (solid food) and DD stays up as close to DS's 2nd nap as I can....and sometimes I really push her to the limit but I can't survive the day without a break.
White noise machine saved my life, and my double stroller. I depend on those things every day!
The house was a mess and we ate frozen meals for 6 months but things are much easier now being alone. It was hard to do the park so I did gymboree and wore DS, but now we can start going to play groups at the park.