Cloth Diapering


I have always either hung our diapers or used the rack for drying. The other day I was told that you should put them in the dryer once a month. I did put my liners in for 10 mins, but just wondering about my covers. Would I go on a low heat for just a little amount of time? It's suppose to help them retain their waterproof layer? I just don't want to damage them, I always thought the dryer would be too hard for them.
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Re: dryer?

  • I've resealed leaky covers with a round on high through the dryer.

    If you do it every wash, you'll wear them out faster. Once in a while? Whatever. Some people just dry on low or medium heat all the time.

  • I dry on low heat everytime covers & inserts.  Been doing it for 7 months and haven't noticed any problems.
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  • I normally just throw mine in on the air dry setting for ten minutes and then hang them up. If you have them in on the hot water wash that will take care of resealing for the most part. Low heat for a few minutes can also help once in awhile.
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