Cloth Diapering

How do you identify a suedecloth allergy?

I know the answer should be obvious (a rash), but I'm wondering how much time DD needs to spend in BGs for me to figure out whether or not she's allergic. 

We had 6 BG XS AIOs that we used, and a couple times I thought she seemed a little red when I took off the diaper, but then I usually put her in FB or a prefold, so there was never prolonged exposure to the suedecloth.

Now, I have a stash of about 18 BG 4.0s, and I've only prepped 2 so far, just in case.  But I'm not sure if only having 2 in the rotation is enough to identify an allergy.  I've put her in both back-to-back and she seemed fine afterwards.  Do I need to prep enough diapers to have her in BGs all day before I can know for sure that she's not allergic?


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Re: How do you identify a suedecloth allergy?

  • from what I understand a suedecloth allergy will make the entire area covered by the suedecloth red.  That is all I know - and that the reaction is pretty quick.  I'd prep a few more, and try 3-4 in a row and see.
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  • Ditto PP.  The pictures I've seen from a google search make it look like the babies are wearing pink underwear.  But I'm also assuming that those babies wore the suede diapers full time.  IDK if you would need to have her wear them all day or not.  Seems a shame that you might have to do that and test and "purposely" give her a rash.  I know you're not doing it on purpose but I'm sure you understand what I mean - I hope that made sense.  Plus having to prep them and sell them at a slight loss if she is allergic.  Wish I could be more help - GL figuring it out.
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