Cloth Diapering

Where to start?

DH and I are considering cloth diapering but I have no clue where to start.  What kind of diapers do you recommend?  What brand?  Do you get them in stores or order online?  What factors should I be taking into consideration when choosing which type to get?


I have starting researching this, but I honestly feel more confused now than I did before.  I never realized there were so many different options.


Also, what is recommended to start your stash?



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Re: Where to start?

  • I'm new to this too. I found the FAQ board at the top of the page incredibly helpful. :)

    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • I recommend starting out with newborn sized prefolds and covers.  They are a good carry-over option until your baby is big enough for some of the other options out there, plus you can use the prefolds later as inserts, burp cloths, and dust rags.

    Most here would also suggest getting a couple of different types to try out.  If you can, go to a cloth diapering store where you can see firsthand some of the different types and brands out there.  Some people like the ease of all-in-ones while others like the customizable pocket diapers.  I personally like the sound of inserts and one-size covers that will grow with my LO, but I'll probably give some of the other types a try at least.

    There's a youtube series someone has a link to that goes through all the different types and shows you how to use them.  I think it's called cloth diapering 101.

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  • Check out the FAQs at the top of the board.

    Also, the Cloth Diapering 101 youtube series if helpful to see the different kinds of diapers.

    Generally, we don't recommend that anyone get all of one kind/brand of diaper to start with until you see how they fit your baby.  CDs are a lot like jeans:  some are good enough, some make you cry when you try them on, and some stop traffic as you walk by.  It all depends on your baby.

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