Late Term and Child Loss

dumb ER doctor...

I had to go back to the ER today for severe pain in my right side, coinciding with my first period since delivering.  Luckily it's just kidney stones... nothing serious.  What got me was that the ER doc referred to my loss as a miscarriage.  The first time could have been innocent... he asked when I had miscarried.  I told him 31 weeks.  At that point he should have realized that he should have said stillbirth or something of the like.  Then he did it AGAIN!  You would think that an OB would have a little more sense than this!  Ugh! 
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


Re: dumb ER doctor...

  • What an a**. I hope you corrected him!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Ugh.  This sucks and I hate the medical way of rationalizing things.  I'm sorry, lovey!  *hugs*
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  • First of all- what an a$$!  And also, I had kidney stones after my first pregancy and they are AWFUL!   I hope you are feeling better and they have passed, and if not then I hope they pass soon.  (((HUGS)))
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm really sorry. I really hate when people refer to my loss as a miscarriage as well because it just isn't the same.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    IVF #1 BFP b/g twins!; loss at 23 weeks due to I.C. and PTL. IVF #2 BFP 5/26/12; due date 2/6/13; TAC surgery 7/20/12, blessed with another girl & boy! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I'm so sorry.
    Mom to Eliott Alexander, born sleeping at 37 weeks on 8/13/10. Most of us only dream of angels - I held one in my arms.
    BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
    BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
    Too beautiful for this earth
    BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
  • I'm so sorry. :(  A stillbirth is nothing like a miscarriage and doctors of all people should know better.
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