and not that it matters, but my grandma spelled it Lyla so that is what I am used to and almost used for my daughter.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
Lilah, of course. I feel like it looks incomplete without the 'h'. I also like sarah w/ the 'h' better too. I feel like Lilah just looks prettier and more feminine.
Lilah, of course. I feel like it looks incomplete without the 'h'. I also like sarah w/ the 'h' better too. I feel like Lilah just looks prettier and more feminine.
. I also like the h. I think it's a personal preference. I also like the h on Norah and Sarah too.
Re: Lila or Lilah?
Chemical Pregnancy
I disagree with this completely. I would never pronounce it Leela.
I vote no h.
prefer Lila...
and not that it matters, but my grandma spelled it Lyla so that is what I am used to and almost used for my daughter.
My dd is Lila and in 9 months she has never been called Leela.
Exactly how does the h change the sound of the i?
Exactly! I love Lila, and it's on our list, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to convince H.