
Do you buy pieces or outfits?

For both your kids and yourselves?

 I've spent all morning doing laundry and cleaning out closets and drawers. It's become clear that most of the random pieces I buy the kids rarely get worn...especially dd's. I love a bargain and will frequently buy a top or skirt when I find one cheap and then get it home and find they have nothing to match with it. The boys are a little easier since they wear jeans 90% of the time, but I think this spring I need to plan their wardrobes better.  

 If you're organized with what you buy your kids (ahem, eclaires), do you have any tips? I have a feeling I'd end up wasting (and spending) a lot less if I quit bargain hunting and had a plan. 

 Also, if you buy mostly outfits and not pieces for the kids, do you do the same for you?


Re: Do you buy pieces or outfits?

  • I CAN'T buy outfits for Alexis.  She has a funky frame, and she's two different sizes.  She's only 34 pounds right now (and will be 6 in March)...   and she's a 4t on the bottom (so toddler section) but she's an S (6/7) on top in the girls section. So not only is she 2 different sizes, but two different departments.  The only time I could buy an entire outfit for her was newborn through 1 year old.

    I buy pieces for me, also.

    I guess I've never had an issue, because I've had to shop like that for her always. I know her clothes "in my head" so when I buy a shirt, I always know if she has something to match it at home. Same with pants. I either get neutral or I know it matches with something she has.

    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • I'm fashion challenged so pretty much only buy basic pieces.  I do the same for the kids now that they're out of the toddler sizes.   
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  • LOL.  I did the same thing earlier this we - massive closet/dresser clean out. 

    And I also do the same shopping.  I shop clearance all the time.  When I buy something and find out she doesn't have something to wear with it, I will toss it in a bag so that the next time I'm at the mall, I can look for something to match it.  I actually have a 2T skirt from Natalie that I still haven't found a top for.  It has brown and gray in it, but a funky color pink (like Pepto pink) and a funky orange.  It also has a little ivory, so it *could* be paired with an ivory top, but I was hoping to find something pink/orange.  

    I sometimes think like you - but often still buy clearance - especially at Target because you can return with just the card - so if I go all season and don't find something, theoretically I could still return it.

    Despite 'wasting' a few pieces, I still know that I'd spend way more if I bought everything IN season, at full (or nearly) price.  

    I spent $70 yesterday at Crazy8 - 3 skirts, 2 tops,a dress, and 2 hair accessories, and am having major buyer's remorse because it was all new line spring stuff.  I'll probably hold onto it for a few weeks to see if I can get it on clearance. (I'm a serial returner - and not afraid to return things if I can get a better deal.)


  • I am having a real struggle with this for DD.  I try to buy pieces, but then I can't find things to match, outfits don't really work out because she is skinny, yet tall so things don't fit right.  Poor girl.

     For DS, I buy pieces.  Boys are much easier.

    For me, pieces because I am super boring and mostly wear jeans and simple sweaters or tees.

    I could use some advice too.

  • It depends on where I am shopping.  For the boys, I almost never buy outfits.  When they were younger, maybe, but now?  They're too old for that look, I think.  For Avery, sometimes I still will from Gymboree if it's a cute skirt & top type thing, but she hates their pants, other than the leggings, so never the cutesy jeans with a ruffle that matches the shirt or whatever.  Gap doesn't usually lend itself to full outfits, I don't think.  I buy pieces from Target, too.  So I guess it's really just Gymboa I get outfits from.  The other thing with her is that she thinks she's a little fashion guru and prefers to mix and match her clothes.  When she was your DD's age, I did more outfit buying, though.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • when my kids were little (under 2T) outfits were the way to go...there aren't many things that WEREN'T sold seperately.  And the things I did have that were seperate, just like you, they rarely got worn....

    but after 2 T (and for boys especially) the outfits have funky pants...gross elastic waist, or cheap looking pants.  So I buy separate now....

  • I can't buy a complete outfit either. DD is tall and really skinny. I have to buy pants with adjustable waists, which you can't find in an outfit.  I always buy pieces, but I tend to n=buy them at the same time so I can match them. I have to buy 2 different bathing suits if I want her to have a 2 piece just so the bottoms don't fall off. Target sells in separate pieces this year, so I won't need to do that!


  • Sorry - I should clarify. By "outfit" I mean buying two pieces that go together. Not necessarily a set, but if you were to buy a top, would you also get a bottom to match?
  • OK, then yes. I buy outfits. It's just easier. DD is 6 now, and likes to pick her clothes. And she is good at the matching thing, so I make sure she has things she can put together.
  • Outfits exclusively, until about 1.5-2 years ago.

    And I was so anal that if it was a Gap top, it needed Gap bottoms.  Gymboree top = Gymboree bottom.

    The last 1.5-2 years - sometimes outfits, sometimes separates.  Cam pretty much wears leggings exclusively - and Joey jeans.  So, for him, I just buy in bulk jeans 2 times a year (5-7 pairs at any given time) and then his tops I get whereever and whenever.  Cam, I buy her a bunch of solid colored leggings and again, tops are whereever and whenever.

  • I buy pieces, but ones that I can mix and match for both my boys. I found that when I would bargain shop and buy stuff just because it was on sale, I would rarely put them in it because it wasn't something I loved. I have a definite problem when it comes to Mini Boden for both of them, I love it. So I usually pick out 5-6 pieces for each boy that I LOVE and that can all kind of go with each other. Then I get some jeans and a few shirts from usually Gap and that is it for each season. I would rather splurge on a few things I love then have bunch of random stuff that I don't like that much. I am the same way for myself. Right now each boys has 3 pairs of cute pants (plaid, camo, knee patch cords, etc. from Boden) and then 2 pairs of jeans. I bought a shirt to specifically go with each pair of pants, but they can also match their other pants. If I had a girl, I would guess that I would do the same thing. Buy some dresses, and some pants, shirts and skirts that I could mix and match. Focus on having a handfull of outfits I really loved instead of a closet full of stuff I am "meh" about. 
  • imagemamarazzi:
    Sorry - I should clarify. By "outfit" I mean buying two pieces that go together. Not necessarily a set, but if you were to buy a top, would you also get a bottom to match?

    Yeah, reading failure on my part.

    Ok, to answer you properly- not usually to this, either.  A lot of times she needs pants before shirts (we just seem to grow out of them or they wear down faster) so I buy pants more. I don't always buy shirts at the same time, since she usually has a trillion of them.  But again, I kinda know her wardrobe in my head... so I won't usually get a separate piece if I know it matches nothing she already has.  If it doesn't match anything, I MAY buy the outfit.

    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • Bargan hunting and having a matching wardrobe aren't mutually exclusive. I read a good rule of thumb is that when you buy something, it has tO match 5 things Currently in your closet. I've really become a savvy shopper using that rule. I don't buy in outfits for any of us. I still stalk clearance racks, just making sure I'm smart about it.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I would say that I bought things in outfits for DD until she was 4 or 5.  Then, I started buying more separates.  She has always been in a bigger size than her age, so we had to hit the big kids' side early...which meant less outfit buying.  However, if I like a kind of unique top or bottom, I do typically buy something specific to go with it.  It is nice that now she can easily wear a jean skirt or jeans with just about any top.

    For DS, I have almost always bought separates.  It's just easier that way and I find more stuff that I like.  He usually has a bunch of solid bottoms...a mixture of cords, jeans, khakis and then I just buy tops that I like and I always end up having something that will go with them.

  • It really depends. DD1 has a lot of long sleeved t-shirts that can mixed and matched with pants. I do still try to buy outfits too or at least basic pieces that can be worn with multiple things. I just bought her some tunic and leggings sets, and I make sure any patterned pants have matching tops. All of her striped or patterned shorts for this summer have matching shirts. 

    For DD2 I prefer to have matching outfits. She has a combo of both, and I do gravitate toward her outfits when dressing her.

    I also tend to buy single pieces on clearance, and I end up having to search for another piece to match. I've been trying not to buy anymore unless I know I have something to match it with, or it ends up being a waste of money.  

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • See, I think places like Osh Kosh are great for this. I go to the outlet at the beginning of each season and get almost their entire wardrobe. All their pieces are mix and match so I'll get a few shirts that can go with a few different pants. It makes it so easy and they always look put together. Plus the clothes have held up great and will last for my other daughters.

     I also buy basics. Always a few solid color tops for layering, a couple cardigans, a denim jumper, a couple pairs of jeans. Plus lots of tights and dresses.

    ** Formerly bellabeck **

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers. Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Hmm, I tend to buy separates, but buy like 5-6 things that I can mix and match vs. buying one piece.  And if I were to pick something up on clearance, I'd probably hunt online (via ebay or a clothing board) for other pieces to match.  But that's rare, b/c I usually don't buy stuff on super clearance unless it's something I already have a match for OR it's something that would go with something plain we have (denim, solid leggings or whatever) OR if it's a plain piece itself.

    Jackson is definitely almost 100% separates now, but I do buy his clothing with outfits in mind, if that makes any sense at all.

    Actually, maybe that's the best way to describe what I do - I buy separates w/ outfits in mind.  There's some kind of purposeful buying of most pieces I buy.  Also, I try to limit what I buy (esp from places like Gymboree) to things I LOVE LOVE LOVE and not get sucked into deals.  I try to remember that it's not a great deal if it won't get worn.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageeclaires:

      I try to remember that it's not a great deal if it won't get worn. 

    I recently started shopping with this attitude.  I then went thru all the tubs of clothes I have saved, and if it is something I didn't really care for with the older kid then I don't need to keep it.  

    I just bought those things yesterday, but I'm really trying to not buy anything until I get the kids' spring/summer stuff out and assess what I already have.  

    Gabi, right now, has literally 30 pair of leggings/knit pants, and probably 10 of them are pink.  Totally unnecessary, huh?  And that doesn't include her 6 pr of jeans and 4-5 pr of fleece pants, or any khaki/dressier pants.


  • imageJodi&Joe:
    Cam pretty much wears leggings exclusively - and Joey jeans.  So, for him, I just buy in bulk jeans 2 times a year (5-7 pairs at any given time) and then his tops I get whereever and whenever.  Cam, I buy her a bunch of solid colored leggings and again, tops are whereever and whenever.

    I do the same thing.  Ds almost exclusively wears jeans. I've found that all he ever needs is 3-4 pairs at any given time and I buy them when on sale. If I find a good sale (ie: $11 jeans at Gymboree) then I'll buy them in several sizes and save them. He'll wear random s-shirts, button up shirts and sweaters from just about anywhere.

     For dd I just buy her a ton of leggings in various solid colors. I find tops (usually dresses or tunics, her preference) that she likes and she'll wear them with whatever leggings match them best. Lately she's been a big fan of those "jeggings" and they match almost everything!

  • outfits primarily.  DD loves to wear dresses, so that's easy. But if I buy her pants, I almost always buy something in that store,at that time, to match with it. It's just easier, IMO.

    For myself, I realized 5 years-ish ago that I would buy a shirt I loved, but then never wear it, b/c i had nothing to go with it. It was a waste. So I started being a smarter shopper, and now I either buy dresses (summer, nighttime) or if it's something specific--nice pair of pants, lace top, etc....then I buy something that looks good with it. However, I do buy separates as well-jeans and sweaters for winter, or shorts and tanks for summer.

    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
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