For both your kids and yourselves?
I've spent all morning doing laundry and cleaning out closets and drawers. It's become clear that most of the random pieces I buy the kids rarely get worn...especially dd's. I love a bargain and will frequently buy a top or skirt when I find one cheap and then get it home and find they have nothing to match with it. The boys are a little easier since they wear jeans 90% of the time, but I think this spring I need to plan their wardrobes better.
If you're organized with what you buy your kids (ahem, eclaires), do you have any tips? I have a feeling I'd end up wasting (and spending) a lot less if I quit bargain hunting and had a plan.
Also, if you buy mostly outfits and not pieces for the kids, do you do the same for you?
Re: Do you buy pieces or outfits?
I CAN'T buy outfits for Alexis. She has a funky frame, and she's two different sizes. She's only 34 pounds right now (and will be 6 in March)... and she's a 4t on the bottom (so toddler section) but she's an S (6/7) on top in the girls section. So not only is she 2 different sizes, but two different departments. The only time I could buy an entire outfit for her was newborn through 1 year old.
I buy pieces for me, also.
I guess I've never had an issue, because I've had to shop like that for her always. I know her clothes "in my head" so when I buy a shirt, I always know if she has something to match it at home. Same with pants. I either get neutral or I know it matches with something she has.
LOL. I did the same thing earlier this we - massive closet/dresser clean out.
And I also do the same shopping. I shop clearance all the time. When I buy something and find out she doesn't have something to wear with it, I will toss it in a bag so that the next time I'm at the mall, I can look for something to match it. I actually have a 2T skirt from Natalie that I still haven't found a top for. It has brown and gray in it, but a funky color pink (like Pepto pink) and a funky orange. It also has a little ivory, so it *could* be paired with an ivory top, but I was hoping to find something pink/orange.
I sometimes think like you - but often still buy clearance - especially at Target because you can return with just the card - so if I go all season and don't find something, theoretically I could still return it.
Despite 'wasting' a few pieces, I still know that I'd spend way more if I bought everything IN season, at full (or nearly) price.
I spent $70 yesterday at Crazy8 - 3 skirts, 2 tops,a dress, and 2 hair accessories, and am having major buyer's remorse because it was all new line spring stuff. I'll probably hold onto it for a few weeks to see if I can get it on clearance. (I'm a serial returner - and not afraid to return things if I can get a better deal.)
I am having a real struggle with this for DD. I try to buy pieces, but then I can't find things to match, outfits don't really work out because she is skinny, yet tall so things don't fit right. Poor girl.
For DS, I buy pieces. Boys are much easier.
For me, pieces because I am super boring and mostly wear jeans and simple sweaters or tees.
I could use some advice too.
when my kids were little (under 2T) outfits were the way to go...there aren't many things that WEREN'T sold seperately. And the things I did have that were seperate, just like you, they rarely got worn....
but after 2 T (and for boys especially) the outfits have funky pants...gross elastic waist, or cheap looking pants. So I buy separate now....
I can't buy a complete outfit either. DD is tall and really skinny. I have to buy pants with adjustable waists, which you can't find in an outfit. I always buy pieces, but I tend to n=buy them at the same time so I can match them. I have to buy 2 different bathing suits if I want her to have a 2 piece just so the bottoms don't fall off. Target sells in separate pieces this year, so I won't need to do that!
Outfits exclusively, until about 1.5-2 years ago.
And I was so anal that if it was a Gap top, it needed Gap bottoms. Gymboree top = Gymboree bottom.
The last 1.5-2 years - sometimes outfits, sometimes separates. Cam pretty much wears leggings exclusively - and Joey jeans. So, for him, I just buy in bulk jeans 2 times a year (5-7 pairs at any given time) and then his tops I get whereever and whenever. Cam, I buy her a bunch of solid colored leggings and again, tops are whereever and whenever.
Yeah, reading failure on my part.
Ok, to answer you properly- not usually to this, either. A lot of times she needs pants before shirts (we just seem to grow out of them or they wear down faster) so I buy pants more. I don't always buy shirts at the same time, since she usually has a trillion of them. But again, I kinda know her wardrobe in my head... so I won't usually get a separate piece if I know it matches nothing she already has. If it doesn't match anything, I MAY buy the outfit.
Christmas 2011
I would say that I bought things in outfits for DD until she was 4 or 5. Then, I started buying more separates. She has always been in a bigger size than her age, so we had to hit the big kids' side early...which meant less outfit buying. However, if I like a kind of unique top or bottom, I do typically buy something specific to go with it. It is nice that now she can easily wear a jean skirt or jeans with just about any top.
For DS, I have almost always bought separates. It's just easier that way and I find more stuff that I like. He usually has a bunch of solid bottoms...a mixture of cords, jeans, khakis and then I just buy tops that I like and I always end up having something that will go with them.
It really depends. DD1 has a lot of long sleeved t-shirts that can mixed and matched with pants. I do still try to buy outfits too or at least basic pieces that can be worn with multiple things. I just bought her some tunic and leggings sets, and I make sure any patterned pants have matching tops. All of her striped or patterned shorts for this summer have matching shirts.
For DD2 I prefer to have matching outfits. She has a combo of both, and I do gravitate toward her outfits when dressing her.
I also tend to buy single pieces on clearance, and I end up having to search for another piece to match. I've been trying not to buy anymore unless I know I have something to match it with, or it ends up being a waste of money.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
See, I think places like Osh Kosh are great for this. I go to the outlet at the beginning of each season and get almost their entire wardrobe. All their pieces are mix and match so I'll get a few shirts that can go with a few different pants. It makes it so easy and they always look put together. Plus the clothes have held up great and will last for my other daughters.
I also buy basics. Always a few solid color tops for layering, a couple cardigans, a denim jumper, a couple pairs of jeans. Plus lots of tights and dresses.
Hmm, I tend to buy separates, but buy like 5-6 things that I can mix and match vs. buying one piece. And if I were to pick something up on clearance, I'd probably hunt online (via ebay or a clothing board) for other pieces to match. But that's rare, b/c I usually don't buy stuff on super clearance unless it's something I already have a match for OR it's something that would go with something plain we have (denim, solid leggings or whatever) OR if it's a plain piece itself.
Jackson is definitely almost 100% separates now, but I do buy his clothing with outfits in mind, if that makes any sense at all.
Actually, maybe that's the best way to describe what I do - I buy separates w/ outfits in mind. There's some kind of purposeful buying of most pieces I buy. Also, I try to limit what I buy (esp from places like Gymboree) to things I LOVE LOVE LOVE and not get sucked into deals. I try to remember that it's not a great deal if it won't get worn.
I recently started shopping with this attitude. I then went thru all the tubs of clothes I have saved, and if it is something I didn't really care for with the older kid then I don't need to keep it.
I just bought those things yesterday, but I'm really trying to not buy anything until I get the kids' spring/summer stuff out and assess what I already have.
Gabi, right now, has literally 30 pair of leggings/knit pants, and probably 10 of them are pink. Totally unnecessary, huh? And that doesn't include her 6 pr of jeans and 4-5 pr of fleece pants, or any khaki/dressier pants.
I do the same thing. Ds almost exclusively wears jeans. I've found that all he ever needs is 3-4 pairs at any given time and I buy them when on sale. If I find a good sale (ie: $11 jeans at Gymboree) then I'll buy them in several sizes and save them. He'll wear random s-shirts, button up shirts and sweaters from just about anywhere.
For dd I just buy her a ton of leggings in various solid colors. I find tops (usually dresses or tunics, her preference) that she likes and she'll wear them with whatever leggings match them best. Lately she's been a big fan of those "jeggings" and they match almost everything!
outfits primarily. DD loves to wear dresses, so that's easy. But if I buy her pants, I almost always buy something in that store,at that time, to match with it. It's just easier, IMO.
For myself, I realized 5 years-ish ago that I would buy a shirt I loved, but then never wear it, b/c i had nothing to go with it. It was a waste. So I started being a smarter shopper, and now I either buy dresses (summer, nighttime) or if it's something specific--nice pair of pants, lace top, etc....then I buy something that looks good with it. However, I do buy separates as well-jeans and sweaters for winter, or shorts and tanks for summer.