Upstate NY Babies

Potty Parties and my new favorite blog

Make sure you click on the "potty party" link and prepare to look like this: Indifferent

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11

Re: Potty Parties and my new favorite blog

  • O.M.Gosh. That is insane.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • *scratches Stella off the guest list for Paul's potty party...*


    Toilet paper wreath? Really??? 

    Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
  • Loading the player....
  • haha... that party is the most ridiculous thing I've seen. I can't imagine what she spent on the cake, cupcakes, cookies and decor. I'm afraid to click through the blog and see what her kids bday parties look like!

    And the throat punch blog is hilarious! 

  • WOW!  I'm sorry but people who have time to do all that crap can't possibly spend enough quality time with their kids.  Even if DC went to preschool 3 hrs and then napped 3 hrs, I still don't think I would have the time to put into making my house that clean and put together all that stuff.  I always suspect these are also the type of parents who limit their children's imagination by insisting they do things exactly their way, never let their children dress themselves for school (Bri wore a ballet dancer costume to school today), only have structured craft projects...  Also always spending events behind a camera instead of engaging with their kids.  I remember looking at pics of a birthday party that was over the top like this, there were over 50 pics on a blog, there were a lot with the adults smiling but not one single picture that showed a kids actually smiling, playing or looking like they were having fun even though there were well over a dozen beautiful photos of children.

    And not to forget giving your kid a sense of entitlement!  WOW!  She gets a huge party for peeing?  I'm not anti-potty party, the idea is to have a SMALL party with like the child's stuffed animals and maybe some cookies, like a 20 minute spur of the moment event.  This just takes it to an entirely different planet. 

    Though, I have to admit, the decorations are cute.

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