this is my first post... dont really know what your suppose to say so ill just say what is on my mind.. the whole baby thing is starting to get to me. we have been married 3 years this march and have never used anything to prevent it from happening so that tells me something is wrong. yes ive went to dr's and they act like its no big deal and my P being messed up for three years is no biggy either. should i just keep going to different dr's til i find one that will do something besides try to stick me on birth control pills? ...opinions?
Re: its starting to get to me
**lurker from T-TTC**
You need to make an appt with an RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to start the diagnostic testing process. They'll run blood tests, have your DH do a SA, you'll probably have an HSG RE is going to be the one to figure out if there are any issues with you and/or DH and how to resolve them. Don't waste your time with an OB-GYN - their goal in life in to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy. An RE's goal is to get you pregnant. GL!
Thank you for commenting on my post And i did not kno what a RE was and im not very educated on what every test is or anything... my mother did not talk to me so and i also guess i have a very hard time talking to people about personal stuff. like just walking in there and saying hey i wanna get pregnant is so not me but me and my husband have been married for three years been through our bad times and good and i think it has leveled out to where we are good in our relationship and we just bought out house last july and i kno this saying gets wore out but it really feels like something is missing...thanks again so much for your input very much appreciate it! i often feel like im alone in talking about this my husband is here for me through it all but he is still a guy! lol okay ill stop talking...
Thanks! Brittany