Cloth Diapering

Ugghh..Diaper Rash!

So both of my girls developed a diaper rash that was severe and no CD safe creams were working, so we switched to sposies, aquaphor, and stripped the dipes and sunned them.  We use all BGs.

After the rash cleared (took 3-4 days), we went back to the BGs and the rash came back.  So we then stripped again, and treated with bleach, and rinsed 4x in hot water and sunned them again.  We treated the diaper rash with sposies and aquaphor and it went away in 2-3 days.  

Last night we put them back in BGs and this morning the rash is back.

Any thoughts on what's going on?  We've used BG for a year, stripped them occasionally with dawn, etc, and never had any problems.  I really don't want to have to switch to sposies, but I'm running out of ideas.


Re: Ugghh..Diaper Rash!

  • imagemargaretkaye1:

    Do you have all BGs? If it's not yeast (which if you're doing bleach, it should have killed it....) it could be a suedecloth sensitivity. I'd try a non-BG diaper - one with a natural fiber or fleece instead of suedecloth - and see if that helps.

    Good catch.

    Is the rash everywhere the suedecloth touches or just the wet parts? Have you tried switching detergents?  Sometimes babies can suddenly develop a sensitivity to a detergent...

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  • Hi Ladies - thanks so much for these ideas.  I'm pretty sure it's not yeast since it goes away so quickly with diaper cream and sposies (and it came back after the bleach).  The red is just where it's wet - and it's just solid red almost immediately after switching back to cloth diapers.

    I'll try switching detergents and see if that works - I'll try anything at this point! 

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