mantra mantra...good vibes good vibes.
I have a buyers meeting in about an hour... if I get the proposed plan I will be moving out of etsy. I will start with a more large scale (still tiny no sweatshop) manufacturing..
if not. I will slave to etsy for another six months and try again.
good thoughts.. good thoughts.. luck luck.. lets us hope these jokers had a good are dolled up super cute and are ready to throw on the charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pinnie is wearing her good bra and will stop talking in 3rd person.
Re: ~*~Wish me Luck~*~ good thoughts good thoughts
ha! Yeah I will still have the regular site. I will just be designing exclusively for the store (they own 3 locates here and will open up 3 more in 3 other states).
which is good because I need to be a little more focused.
uh for real... I will have Rory with me!! well 16x22 inches prints of her !! She may be the icing on the cake in her little bright pink mary janes!!!!!
okay...fingers tingling... go go go go go gogogogogogogog
Jackson and I are sending you good vibes!