So this weekend we were at a family reunion and my aunts sister who is a nurse for children and who has been annorexic for years made a comment about my feeding habits with LO. Here is our routine: She gets a bottle at seven,falls asleep and gets another one around eleven before I go to bed. She doesn?t even wake up during her feeding and sleeps till about eight in the morning and I am ok with our routine. Well this lady thought she had to put her two cents in although she doesn?t even have children. She was like: If you keep on doing that you?re just overfeeding her and she will end up being obese someday.
I seriously wanted to snap on her because who is she to talk since she doesnt have children and she?s been annorexic for years. LO is not on the heavy side and she doesn?t eat that much during the day. She gets five bottles a day with about 7 ounces(although she rarely finishes her bottles) and I think that is not too much.
How many times a day do you feed LO and how many ounces? Does your LO get another bottle that late?
Re: All formula feeders
While I don't think it's ever right for others to comment on the parenting of our children, I do think that 30-35 oz is kind of a lot for an 8 month old. ??? My DD is eating 3 meals now (we just started lunch over the weekend) and she's taking about 18-24 oz of formula on average.
If 35 oz is working for you, great, quite honestly, I'm not sure she needs that much at this age. I'd ask your pedi and see what they say.
My DD takes a 5-6oz bottle at 7, 11, 3 and 7. No bottles in the middle of the night since about 4-5 months. She eats solids at 8:30, 12noon and 5:30.
Kudos to you for being able to bite your tounge!!!
DD has about 5-6 bottles (about 35ish ounces), the last one around 7:30-8ish. She has food at breakfast, lunch, and supper.
That's what works for us. DD was 17.6 at 7 1/2 months, right where she's supposed to be. She's growing just like she's supposed to. We don't do bottles before we go to bed, but I know people that do.
My son takes 5-6 7oz bottles in a 24 hour period. He eats 3 meals a day. He is only in the 46th percent for his weight. He does wake at 3am for food and is starving I can hear his stomach growling sometimes. I think he has a super fast metabolism. When I was at the doctor he said that it was great. He did say that he may seem less interested in the bottle as he becomes more interested in food. I do see that happening but slowly.
My daughter takes 4 bottles a day. Depending on the day, most of the time they are 8 oz; however there are some days where she doesn't seem interested in eating. (And she may have 4 6 oz bottles that day) She does eat three meals of food as well.
She LOVES to eat!
DS takes 5 bottles a day. 4 are 6-oz bottles, and one (bedtime bottle) is 7-oz. He is eating three times a day, but it's just baby food right now. We haven't given him much table food yet. His first two bottom teeth just broke through this weekend. So we are planning on giving him a few bites of whatever we are eating over the next few days.
He is sleeping through the night most of the time. The past week or so has been a little rough with the teeth pushing through. So he doesn't get a bottle during the middle of the night.
But as long as your pedi says you are on the right track, go for it! It's all about what is comfortable for you, your child, and your pedi's recommendations.
This is my kid- she eats 4- 8oz bottles plus three meals and occasionally a snack. She is a little over 20lbs. Healthy and not overweight. Different kids have different eating habits. None wrong, but good for you for biting your tongue. Its not like you are giving your child juice, sugar, twinkies and such.
I don't know what her weight is now--but she has been on the 25% curve since a month old. At her 6 month she was 14.5 lbs, I am thinking she is about 16-17 lbs now. Some days she eats more, today was 26 oz of formula and 8 oz of jarred food. Yesterday was 32 oz of formula and 10 oz of food.
Mine has four bottles (about 24oz) and 3 meals a day. (last bottle at 7pm, first at 7am)
If its working for you, and your pedi is fine, then I wouldn't worry.
Although I do wonder - you said you feed her late, and she doesn't even wake up - have you considered stopping that feedings, seeing if she'll sleep through? She'll probably start taking more during the day to make up for it.