
Need opinions - moms of 2

Is it worth it to get a double stroller for a 2.5 year old and newborn?  DD still loves her stroller and sits in it very well with no complaining.   I know this could change at any point but so far its great.  She will ride in it in the mall and if she gets tired she'll ask me to recline it.  Anyway, I don't know what it will be like when new baby is here but I'm wondering if its wise to invest in a double stroller or if its a waste.  Maybe a sit and stand is a better idea.  I just cant decide.  I know I have plenty of time to worry about this but my mom mentioned that she may get us one for Xmas if we decide that we want it.  WDYT?

Re: Need opinions - moms of 2

  • I never invested in one but if I could go back I would get a sit and stand of some kind.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
  • I'd maybe do a sit n stand and the cheapy Jeep double stroller if you like to go out for long walks, stay out after nap/bed time, etc.  Our double came in handy at Disney World and the sit n stand wouldn't have been good there. 
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  • I love my sit and stand.
  • 90% of the time, DD would rather walk.  So we didn't bother.  We put DS in the bjorn or hotsling, DD walks.  Depending what we're doing we'll bring the Ergo, too, to put DD in if she gets tired out.
  • I have a double that someone gave us and I haven't used it yet.  Normally when I'm out with both of them I wear G and push N or N walks.
  • Most of the time DD would rather walk but we did use it at the zoo the other day and we used it at the park. ? I wouldn't go all out and buy an expensive one. ?The side by side was great at the zoo so both kids could see.?

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  • My plan was to wear DD2 until spring - then purchase one.  MIL bought us a cheap tandem instead.  We upgraded inthe spring to a double jogger.  DD1 does not want to sit most of the time.
  • I have taken trips to the zoo with the single jogger.  I put DD2 in the stroller and DD1 walked.  When DD1 got tired, I wore DD2.
  • We are a little different. I wanted to use my double for exercising (we don't do a lot of shopping - I try to order it online if at all possible), and for trips to the zoo, etc. We got the Bob Revolution double. My 2 year old is fine with riding in the stroller, and wants to walk sometimes too. But when I do my walking for exercise, he knows that he has to ride and is happy to. At the zoo when he got tired, it was nice to be able to put him in the stroller. When we go to DH's softball games in the summer, it is nice to be able to put him in there to walk to the fields - it goes faster, and I have somewhere to put him to eat his dinner, etc. I can't stand wearing any kind of sling/baby carrier thing, so just having a single and wearing the baby wasn't an option for me. Since you have a little tiem, you could always ask your mom for the cash for the stroller, and decide when it gets closer. Oh - I didn't want a sit/stand stroller because the sitting part just didn't look comfortable to me (on the few that I looked at), and I just didn't think that DS was old enough to stand for that long (he turned 2 the day after DS2 was born).
  • I plan on getting a sit and stand stroller.  Noah hasn't used a regular stroller in quite some time though.  I am also hoping to inherit my sister's BOB double jogging stroller.
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