I don't want LO to be early, but the proverbial carrot has been dangled and I might actually get to vbac if she is.
She's currently measuring about 5lbs and is in the 20th percentile. Yesterday at my NST I was contracting every 3-4 minutes so my OB checked me and I was 1cm and 50-60% effaced. Obviously this could go on for weeks. I walked around for longer than a week at 4cm with my son!
I had a c/s the first time due to fetal distress which was caused by him just not fitting through my pelvis. This was confirmed by more than one doctor during pelvic exams, ultrasounds, a very painful IUD insertion, etc... so I believe it. My son was only 7lbs 4oz.
My OB said my pelvic arch is "extremely narrow" and if LO comes within the next week or so I can vbac, or at least attempt and have a pretty good chance at success. Her risk of respiratory distress would obviously be much less if I can deliver vaginally, especially at 35 weeks.
Any tips or advice if this actually becomes a reality? It's a total pipe dream that I never thought I'd have a chance at. Especially since I'm high risk. I obviously am not hoping for a preemie, but I would love to avoid a RCS. Good thing I don't get to pick, right?
The one issue is that I will want an epidural. If it becomes an emergency situation, like with my first, I want to be able to be awake, KWIM?
This ended up way long and is kind of ramble-y, I'm sorry!
Re: I may get to vbac...if baby is early
Good Luck! Check out spinning babies they have some maneuvers that help open the pelvis.
I did them and hip opener yoga moves (they have prenatal ones) when not pregnant and at my annual my OB/Gyn commented on how my pelvis wasn't as narrow as before.
Not like it's really a choice you'll get to make....but I think I'd rather have a c-section, then a premie.
But, at what point will they not let you have a TOL...36...37. How do they know at what point you will and won't be able to push your LO out? Even if they do believe you have a small pelvis....maybe this baby's head is shaped a little differently. Just my own harping, but all these deadlines are completely arbitrary and subjective.
That certainly complicates matters. I hope everything goes well for you and DD.
I really do not have much to add, I hope everything goes well for you. I have read your blog, and I think that with Lauren's heart defect, I would rather have a planned c section than her being a premmie. But if they can't stop labor or your water breaks early, etc, IMO I think I would try for a VBAC but with the epi, so as to avoid a emergent situation.
I just thought I say I had the exact same birth story as you. My son was born via emergency c section because his heartrate was dropping. I don't know how low it dropped, but they had him out in 3 minutes. He failed to descend because I had a narrow pelvic arch too, but no one knew until I was in labor. My DS was OP though. He only weighed 7lbs 3oz. Was your LO facing the right way?
ETA: Especially with the risk of respiratory distress with a c section if she was premature, I would say VBAC if she is early.