Houston Babies

s/o swim classes

Are there any swim programs that meet only on the weekend? It is not really an option for us to have class on the weekdays and I really would like Kyle to have the opportunity to take a swim class.
5/17/09 Silverlake Sprint Triathlon 1:28:32
10/3/09 Susan G. Komen 5K 28:58
1/17/10 Chevron Half Marathon 2:09:08
2/27/10 ConocoPhilips Rodeo Run 10K 1:10:49

Re: s/o swim classes

  • I have a friend that teaches on Saturdays at the Cypress Creek YMCA.  Perhaps you can try your closest Y? 
  • Houston Swim Club has Saturday classes as well as during the week and evenings.
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  • I HIGHLY recommend Houston Swim Club in Pearland, they are fantastic. Yes

    I've never tried the Y but I can tell you that Pearland Parks and Rec (at least 2 years ago) was pretty horrid.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • i can vouch for the Katy facility as well. They have all been great so far. DS has had 4 different teachers so far since he started. They have women and men teachers and a variety of times available. if the time and day isn't available you want one month, check back the next. People can drop and add each new month.
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