Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone planning for a VBAC next time?

Ds is almost 6 months old and I'm already thinking about next time, lol. Although we don't plan on TTC for a couple years, I think I would like to try for a VBAC. With DS I had a failed induction that ended up in a c-section. Although I am fine with it now, there first few months I was SO upset that I didn't get to give birth vaginally. I am ok with having another c-section now, but I wonder if I will regret it later if I don't try for a VBAC, and if all those old feelings will come back next time. Anyone planning on trying for a VBAC next time? Why? Thanks!

Re: Anyone planning for a VBAC next time?

  • I think I'm going to, just because I don't like the idea of scheduling a surgery, plus I think it would take my body longer to recover from a second c-section. One of the things I hated about my birth experience was not being able to get up right away- for the first 12 hours I was still hooked up to my cathedar and epidural and I couldn't get up and get my baby. I had to rely on others to pick him up and hand him to me.
  • ABMcKinney- I know, that was the worst part for me too! I hated not being able to get to DS right away when he cried. I hurt so bad and couldn't get to the bassinet in the middle of the night and DH slept like a log. I remember throwing things across the room to try and wake him up cause the baby was crying. It sounds funny now, but at the time it was so frustrating and upsetting.
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  • Definitely. The risks associated with another surgery are just too high for me. I am definitely planning a VBAC.
  • Lol- I had to throw a few things at my DH as well.

     I'd like to add that I'm getting a doula next time. One of the hospitals in my area (Johns Hopkins) offers free doula services from students in their final year. I plan on taking advantage of this because I need someone to be my "voice" while I am in labor.

  • imageABMcKinney:

    Lol- I had to throw a few things at my DH as well.


    I had to do this too!  I remember flinging whatever was near me at my DH when I needed him to put DS back in his isolet at 3AM. He STILL slept through it.

    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
  • I hope to have one, and to Redstar, GO NOLES! I am an FSU alumni, I thought SeminoleJessica over at SAL was the only other fan around here :-)


    Next time I will hire a doula, and probably be more patient to meet the baby so I think I will be less likely to try for intervention before 42 weeks (not that it is always impatience that causes this). 

  • LOL! I had to throw things at DH, too!

    I would love to try a VBAC, but it will depend on when I get pregnant again. As of right now, we're going to TTC again next summer. If I get pregnant right away, I'll probably just go for another c/s since I'll be giving birth less than 2 years after my first c/s. If we end up holding off on TTC or it takes longer than it did the first time around, I might go for a VBAC. There are other factors involved, too, such as the size of the baby and possible health conditions for baby and me, of course.

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  • I just had my second c/s, this one was planned the first was not. Honestly, the surgery wasn't that bad and neither was the recovery. I was feeling pretty darn good at about 1 1/2 weeks after the surgery and at this point I feel really good. My only complication was from the spinal and that may have happened if I had an epidural during labor also, so I don't count that against the planned c/s. All in all, the 2nd c/s was no worse or better than the first, and neither was that bad to me. I had always planned on doing the VBAC also, but decided against it because (and no flames) we needed the extra 2 weeks of pay for having a c/s from my STD (6wk pd vag, 8wk pd c/s). All in all, I don't regret the decision and at least my vagina wasn't all beat up this time the way it was after Ava since I dilated to 10 and then tried to push her for 2 1/2 hours...

     Just being the devil's advocate :^)

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