Ds is almost 6 months old and I'm already thinking about next time, lol. Although we don't plan on TTC for a couple years, I think I would like to try for a VBAC. With DS I had a failed induction that ended up in a c-section. Although I am fine with it now, there first few months I was SO upset that I didn't get to give birth vaginally. I am ok with having another c-section now, but I wonder if I will regret it later if I don't try for a VBAC, and if all those old feelings will come back next time. Anyone planning on trying for a VBAC next time? Why? Thanks!
Re: Anyone planning for a VBAC next time?
Lol- I had to throw a few things at my DH as well.
I'd like to add that I'm getting a doula next time. One of the hospitals in my area (Johns Hopkins) offers free doula services from students in their final year. I plan on taking advantage of this because I need someone to be my "voice" while I am in labor.
I had to do this too! I remember flinging whatever was near me at my DH when I needed him to put DS back in his isolet at 3AM. He STILL slept through it.
I hope to have one, and to Redstar, GO NOLES! I am an FSU alumni, I thought SeminoleJessica over at SAL was the only other fan around here :-)
Next time I will hire a doula, and probably be more patient to meet the baby so I think I will be less likely to try for intervention before 42 weeks (not that it is always impatience that causes this).
LOL! I had to throw things at DH, too!
I would love to try a VBAC, but it will depend on when I get pregnant again. As of right now, we're going to TTC again next summer. If I get pregnant right away, I'll probably just go for another c/s since I'll be giving birth less than 2 years after my first c/s. If we end up holding off on TTC or it takes longer than it did the first time around, I might go for a VBAC. There are other factors involved, too, such as the size of the baby and possible health conditions for baby and me, of course.
I just had my second c/s, this one was planned the first was not. Honestly, the surgery wasn't that bad and neither was the recovery. I was feeling pretty darn good at about 1 1/2 weeks after the surgery and at this point I feel really good. My only complication was from the spinal and that may have happened if I had an epidural during labor also, so I don't count that against the planned c/s. All in all, the 2nd c/s was no worse or better than the first, and neither was that bad to me. I had always planned on doing the VBAC also, but decided against it because (and no flames) we needed the extra 2 weeks of pay for having a c/s from my STD (6wk pd vag, 8wk pd c/s). All in all, I don't regret the decision and at least my vagina wasn't all beat up this time the way it was after Ava since I dilated to 10 and then tried to push her for 2 1/2 hours...
Just being the devil's advocate :^)