So I've posted here a few times. DS is not a preemie but found to have apnea at 3 wks old (found w blue lips). They put him on a monitor from hospital and at first it was a huge worry. Now its a comfort. Well he hadnt had any real apneas recorded but then during Dec sleep study he had his highest amt of periodic breathing ever! Here are the numbers:1st study:24%,2nd:10%3rd:9%4th:32% and then when they did that download they found a 23 sec apnea with a brady! They just finished his test Sat and it was 11% periodic breathing with some 13 sec apneas. I went to his pulm appt fully expecting them to be like okay, one more month since last study was worst yet-but they took away his monitor! No ifs ands or buts-just "Ok, monitors all done! He;s a big boy now
I dont know how I feel. Nervous and excited I guess. He's 24 wks old and this is his first night without his monitor since 3 wks of age. *Sigh* I just hope they are making the right choice...
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Re: He's off his monitor!!
I can totally relate to your nervousness! I am glad he is off though. It gets easier. I know you use a snuza too. That helps a lot. Glad you could come share the good news!!!!
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)