Hi Ladies,
I've made it to 32 weeks! After the short hospital stay I've been on strict bed rest at home, which is easy more often than not. Please tell me that the next 6 wks are going to fly by... I only have 4 more 17p shots and I stop the Procardia at 37 wks. I don't know how I am going to make it to our goal of 38 wks. There's a little voice in my head saying that 36/37 wks is fine and that trying to hold out to 38 wks is crazy. ugh. DD2 was born at 33 wks 5 d and spent 23 days in the NICU - I'd give anything to avoid any NICU time.
How did you make it to the end? Does it go by faster? I know I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable, but it just seems like the days are so long and slow. Help!
Re: Please tell me its all downhill from here
Mrs M, I totally can relate. On bed rest too, and just had my second fetal fibronectin test done that came back normal today. Going back for my second non stress test on thurs. My Dr keeps making goals every two weeks. Wed we will be 34 weeks. I find I hit a "must lay down" moment around 3 pm everyday. Also bedtime is the most uncomfortable time of the day. I just can't get comfy. I don't have advice for you, but your not alone! Think of all you multiple moms constantly and all the multiple moms before us that made it thru.
One release for me is crying. Afterwards I feel relief.
I probably don't have the best advice for you since I wasn't on strict bed rest. I was put on bed rest at 32 weeks for my blood pressure. It wasn't high but my doctor just wanted to prevent pre-eclampsia from happening and since I had HORRIBLE swelling and sat at a desk all day, bed rest it was.
I delivered at 36 weeks so I was on bed rest for about a month. Since it wasn't strict, I was able to go out to help get through the days but I could only go out for about an hour at a time before my feet/ankles would swell.
I spent a lot of time organizing the twins bedroom and just 'planning' in my head all the things we'd do.
I was on bed rest from 31 weeks until I delivered at 36 weeks, and it's not fun. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. It does get easier. As time goes on you get used to it.
Fluffy beding and mattress covers helped me feel a little more comfortable.
Do you have Netflix streaming? I watched a lot of movies and the entire series of several TV shows. I also taught myself to knit using You tube tutorials and spent a lot of time doing that. I marked a ton of craft projects that I'd like to do on Pintrest, spent time on the bump and read blogs. Hang in there!