I really need to stop thinking about baby names. We have decided on the name Margaret if our baby is a girl. The name comes from my husband's mom's mom who died when his mom was young. The problem is there are other Margarets in the family. We want to use a different nickname so the kids don't get confused during family reunions. The ones we know are all Maggie. So far we have thought of Margie (don't like) and Greta (do like). Are there any others that you can think of?
Re: Nicknames for Margaret
Peggy-not sure why this is a nn for Margaret, but it is
ETA: nn's from wiki
Peggy (I think...?)
TTC #1 since October 2010 | Began Testing in January 2012
DH SA - low motility with 0% morph; varicocele (repaired); low T (on Clomid)
IVF w/ICSI (long Lupron w/ Repronex and Follistim) in September 2012
"A new baby is like the beginning of all things--wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."