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I failed my 14 hour glucose test. I sailed right through it when I was pregnant with DS & DD. 3 hour test scheduled for tomorrow morning. Blah.
Upside .... my babyshower is this Sunday. I can't wait for that.
lol. 14 hours??? that's one LONG test! I'm guessing a typo haha.
good luck with the 3hour
UsedToBeGoldie: lol. 14 hours??? that's one LONG test! I'm guessing a typo haha. good luck with the 3hour
definately a typo. so meant 1 hour. It's way to early this morning!!
afwifestrecker7706:Yup I passes with DS failed with Trio. Did 3 hour and failed also. Good luck.
Thanks. Fingers crossed for tomorrows test.
Re: I can't believe that ...
lol. 14 hours???
that's one LONG test! I'm guessing a typo
good luck with the 3hour
definately a typo. so meant 1 hour. It's way to early this morning!!
Thanks. Fingers crossed for tomorrows test.