The past 3 weeks my left wrist (non dominant hand )has been sore during the day, but at night it really hurts and it's like I can't get it into a comfortable position and sometimes at night it is very very painful when I wake up, but I can still sleep.The past couple days when I woke up I sort of felt like something popped back into place when I moved it. This morning I could barely pick up the baby it was so painful but then I rotated it some and it was better. It doesn't seem swollen at all and I suspect maybe it's from the way I am holding tori or maybe using my iPhone too much . Would you just wait it out? When I first had her I got a pinched nerve in my neck from holding her and that went away..
Former nest name=nettie
Mom to Nick 09/13/05, Isabel 07/20/07, and Tori 09/08/11

Re: Would you go to the doctor for this?