
My ovaries hurt

I thought that would get your attention.

 Seriously. For some reason I can now always feel when I'm ovulating and it's not pretty. And, on top of that, my stomach is hurting. :-(

Anywho, carry on. Just a random post since there's no one up to whine to.


Re: My ovaries hurt

  • I hate that. Since having Rory I can always feel it too.
  • Poor Belle:( I'd rub your tummy for you if I was there...and if it wouldn't be totally creepy.
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Amy-- Thanks. Glad to know I'm not alone. I was thinking I might be weird to be able to feel it.

    Evie-- Lol. Thanks. I'm glad you added that disclaimer. I will accept a virtual tummy rub.
    Love your sig. Both kids are adorable but Miss E is looking esp. cute.


  • Thanks! I made her myselfWink I adore yours, as well. Especially the middle one. She looks so sassy! Does she talk back a lot? Ben is a little delayed in the speech area. He's catching up, and I'm learning that talking leads to talking-back and maybe I shouldn't be quite so anxious for him to speak more! Today, he was mad at me and told me, "Go away! Your not my friend anymore!". Ouch! Right through the heartCryingBroken Heart
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • That stinks, I'm sorry. I have had the worst cramps ever since having Tristan. Not fair!
  • imagePurrrfect433:
    Thanks! I made her myselfWink I adore yours, as well. Especially the middle one. She looks so sassy! Does she talk back a lot? Ben is a little delayed in the speech area. He's catching up, and I'm learning that talking leads to talking-back and maybe I shouldn't be quite so anxious for him to speak more! Today, he was mad at me and told me, "Go away! Your not my friend anymore!". Ouch! Right through the heartCryingBroken Heart

    Manufacturing well done. Oh, she's sassy alright. She was posing and telling me to take her pic. Def. not camera-shy.

    She talks back a little bit. I find myself saying, "I know you aren't getting smart with me" or a variation more these days. She's just like me and gets huffy and sticks out her bottom lip. Love it.  That is exactly my thought on them speaking-- the more they advance at it the more "interesting" your days and conversations get. Glad to hear he's catching up though.

    A tells me she hates me sometimes. Ugh. The adolescent and teen years will be fun.

    Thanks Cristiana. Cramps suck big time.


  • Hey Belle,

     Sorry about the sucky cramps!!  I just wanted to say, I love A's Curious George theme.  I thought for sure my oldest would choose that for her birthday as well since that's what she's being for Halloween.  But she went for Tinkerbell this year.  Complete with wings, tutu and all!

    Hope she had a great birthday!!

  • I always felt the same way and just can't believe the people that say it isn't the "ovulating" that you're feeling. Feels that way to me!

    Hope you feel better soon! Love your new siggy pics! She's beautiful!

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Love the new pics Belle. ?Hope you fell better!

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