Cloth Diapering

Yeast Diaper Rash

Howdy Ladies, My DD is almost 6 weeks, and we have been CDing for about 3. She got a diaper rash that got ugly and my midwife said it looked like yeast. I have cream that is working to clear it up, but I heard that I will have to sun my diapers. Anyone have any experience with this? I have FuzziBunz OS.

Also, what are liners? And where do I get them? I cut up strips of receiving blanket when I first noticed the rash and did Angel Baby Bottom Butter, but finally went to disposables anytime I apply cream now. 

Re: Yeast Diaper Rash

  • I know some people keep their LOs in cloth while treating a yeast rash, but I would personally use disposables until the rash is gone, so that LO doesn't keep getting re-infected.

    I would also bleach everything and rinse rinse rinse, then sun, to make sure the yeast is really gone from the CDs. 

    Liners are either microfleece or disposable. Microfleece ones you can either buy (I think Bummis has some) or you can make yourself. Buy some microfleece and cut it into strips big enough to cover your diaper. Not only do they keep rash creams off the diaper, but if you use fleece ones, they keep LOs bottom drier. 

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