Its a boy, Jackson Lawerence. Lawerence is her FILs name. She only has like 6 weeks lift. She finally has a job making $9 an hour and he is basically doing nothing until he goes to OK in Feb for baseball. They are living in his parents house that is going through foreclosure, so they are basically squaters.
Oh hell no. If it happens before he leaves, they might try and get an apartment, but my guess is they we be moving in with my ILs along with Joes twin brothers and their cousin. Its a mad house over there. She thinks she will move to be with him, which is just stupid but whatever. He is on the road a huge amount of the time and following him with a newborn is insane, but so is living in a state where you dont know anyone. I guess only time will tell.
Re: AmyluvsJoey