I would like a plain pair of denim jeans for DD, size 18 months. Who do you think makes the best fitting/looking jeans for little ones? She has an off brand pair that gaps all around the waist but is somehow tight on her baby thighs! I like the look of an Oshkosh pair she has, but they are 2T and I can't find them (they were a gift). TIA!
Re: Toddler Jeans?
BTW - by "plain" I mean, no embroidery/stitching and no whiskering or fading. Just plain blue jeans!
I got some at JCPenny...and some at GAP (I think..)
My kiddo had a tiny waist (he could wear 3-6 month shorts at 18 months!!!) so I had to get the adjustable waist. My DD wears them now too so it's nice to get double use out of them.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I love the Children's Place jeans. They have lots of plain styles, but my favs have a ruffle at the bottom (in the same denim, not a different color). Once you get to 24 months, they also have an adjustable waist.
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Taytee, I just spent $50 at Children's Place, and I blame you. I got a lot though, 5 tops and 3 pants! I never would have looked if it wasn't for you, though.
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