So our LO has a double ear infection and was put on amoxicillin. After about an hour of having it in her system she threw up all over the place twice. Then it turned into her cramping and dry heaving every 45 min to an hour for about 4 hours. We read that nausa and vomiting are side effects of amoxicillin. We then read there are a few things you can try to combat the upset stomach. She is BF - put it said to try a soy based formula or to try yogurt. We have started solids - but not yogurt yet?
Anyone have a similar situation? What were you told? I am going to call the Pedi tomorrow morning and hope that she is there.
She last ate at 4pm and refused to eat anything else until just now! I am praying this stays down!
Re: Amoxicillin causing vomiting - advice please!
And Then There Were Three...
Married: 08/14/10
Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
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