That's was nooooo fun at all. I hate my life right now. My brother said he wanted to pay for it since we were a little tight after Christmas and we paid for the burial. He wanted to feel like he'd done something. Dh and I picked what we wanted it to say and picked the tombstone. My baby was supposed to pick mine the day I died. Not the other way around.
Re: We picked a tombstone.
I'm so so sorry. DH and I have yet to pick out Ethan's headstone. It's just too hard for us right now.
*big hugs to you and DH*
That is SO tough! I am just so sorry, hun!!!
This is how I felt about picking out urns for Adam.
IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN
Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10
BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11
Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11
my blog
T1 diabetes diagnosed 11/95 due to severe pancreatic injury
BFP 1 1/22/10 EDD 9/30/10 Adria b. 9/11/10 d.8/9/11, Transposition of the Great Arteries,
Pleural effusion, Kidney Failure
BFP 2 4/26/12 EDD 1/3/13 M/C 5/13/12
BFP 3 10/3/12 EDD 6/17/13 Twins! Preston and Juliet b. 5/22/13
BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
Too beautiful for this earth
BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
I also felt like this when we were choosing an urn for Eliott.
BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
Too beautiful for this earth
BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
What a lovely way for your brother to honor your son. He must be a very wonderful person.
Congrats to Heatherhah! Baby girl has finally arrived!
Congrats to my Labor Buddy SouthernBellaKS
I felt this way too. We waited nearly 9 months before finally cracking down and getting one. I couldn't imagine Logan having his 1st birthday without a tombstone, so I sucked it up. It actually ended up be really nice and I felt a little more at peace having it set up.
*hugs* No parent should ever have to do this.