Pre-School and Daycare

No info session before Kinder registration?

Is this the case for anyone else?  We are trying to decide between public school and Catholic for our boys.  We attended open houses at a couple of Catholic schools to find out what they offer, get a feel for the school, etc.  I understand public school isn't angling for your business but I don't know any more about the public school than I did the private ones.

The lady who answered the phone when I called said that aside from registration (again, know nothing about this place) they really don't have anything for the parents or kids until the day before school starts?

 Is this odd?  It just doesn't seem right to me.



My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

Re: No info session before Kinder registration?

  • That seems weird to me.  All the local schools here have info nights, in large part due to the option to open enroll in a different school.  I would call the school back to arrange a tour, meeting with the principal or asst principal and a couple of the teachers to discuss how the school works, curriculum, etc.  If they don't want to do that, honestly, that would be my answer.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • I taught kdg for 10 years and we never had an info session until the week before school started, which was back to school night.  We did have the kids come in to school in the spring to do an assessment on them to see about where they were at academically.
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  • That's the way public school is here as well. It seems completely normal to me I guess b/c it's what I'm used too.
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  • We have an information session and room tours in March. I've been told by other moms they also like to meet your child a few times to assess them and determine which room would be more appropriate for them.  Did you ask if you could come in for a tour and meet the teachers?
  • I think it's strange too. I know that 2 other local school districts have a day for "Kindergarten Roundup" where the parents and kids get to go see the classrooms and meet the teachers and there's some sort of presentation. So I called the elementary that we are zoned too... nothing. They said "well, I guess you could look around when you come to registration." Ummm... gee, thanks.

    There's a good charter school nearby and I'd really like to see both before making a decision.

    The former jen5/03.

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  • No info session here either.  That is pretty much the norm.  But as a teacher, I know that the school will do tours if you call and ask.
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  • Our school system has an info session. They offer tours of the school every month the year before your child is going to start and some other stuff too like a talk from the principal. I'm really excited to learn about the school.
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