Two Under 2

Last day of 2u2

Tomorrow my oldest turns 2 and I am so amazed that this little person is so old.  I have been a mom of 2u2 since May and it has been amazing, crazy, hectic, and awesome.  I am hoping to do it again but since I EBF and have not started a period, I don't know when that will happen.  I have had a baby every year since 2010 and if I don't have one this year, I don't know if I will survive, LOL.  

For all of you still pregnant with your second half of 2u2, good luck and congratulations.  It isn't easy, but who said that parenting was?   My girls are 16 months and 10 days apart and they are so much fun to watch and love each other so much.  I can't wait to see how they grow together.

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Re: Last day of 2u2

  • My two boys are the same spacing as yours, 16.5 months apart. That first year with 2u2 was fun, hard and everything in between. But congrats on surviving!! I love having my boys so close together, it has been amazing!
  • OMG I just realized that I am no longer 2u2 .... and while that sounds stupid, it really means I survived!

     Ditto OP, while crazy, hard, fun, exhausting, I wouldn't trade it for the WORLD. 

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