
Baby hair loss?

Did anyone's baby lose their hair after birth?  My DD was born with peach fuzz hair (not a ton, but not bald) and is now (at 5 weeks) balding on TOP of her head!  It's not the spot on the back that comes from laying down... it looks like a man going bald on the top!   Did this happen to anyone else?

Re: Baby hair loss?

  • It's very common, my girls lost some of their hair but they had a lot when they were born so it wasn't very noticable to most people. However, my son is like your DD and lost most of his hair just on top so he also looks like an old man at least it will eventually grown back.
  • That happened to both my boys Max lost the hair on the top of his head and Sam went completly bald when he had more hair than Max at birth
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  • totally happened to Brady and is just now happening to Jax!! They have male-pattern baldness...totally funny!!
  • My one son is losing his hair too, but only on his right temple.  It looks like I shaved it.  hahaha!
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