a friend gifted me her stash, she bought them in 2008 and used them with one child.
i just started using them with my son, who is 11lbs. they appear to fit well, except for the legs. he doesnt have skinny legs, though...and i am getting leaks from here. is this because of wear and tear, or is this common with bg? I love them otherwise and will purchase some new ones, but I don't want to if they are not a good fit for my son.
Re: bum genius users
My son had meaty thighs as a baby but BG worked well for us and still does and he is 25 months.
Are the diapers repelling at all? You could take a fun drops a water and see if it runs down the inside of the diaper or the diaper absorbs it.
Good point.
DD was closer to 12 lb before BG's fit her well, and she doesn't have skinny legs either.
BG's have worked great for both our kids. You might want to strip them just to make sure they aren't repelling, but I'm willing to bet he's just not big enough yet.