
switching ob's half way through...better late than never!!

it was TIME!!  didn't love the whole 20 week restriction list, wasn't sure why they did an AFP blood test, the phlebotomist had zero personality, i had to beg for a scan when i was bleeding early on....

so i met a new doc...

less restrictive, wouldn't have done AFP, nicer office, always does ultrasounds, and i can tell i won't be a number there.....

good thing i like my MFM  so i will stick with him....but so relieved to be with a different OB i feel more comfortable with!!!  

not a question...just my saga!!  :)

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Re: switching ob's half way through...better late than never!!

  • good for you! i switched all my doctors at 22 weeks. best decision i made!
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  • Good! Trusting and feeling comfortable with your doc(s) is so important! I, too, switched between my 8-12 week appts and it was the best decision!!
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  • Good for you. It is very important to have a doctor who you can trust and are comfortable with. I switched at 30 weeks and it was the best think I could have done.
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  • I'm glad you're more comfortable with your new dr. I also switched halfway through (after finding out there were two). I'm confident in that decision and so glad I did it.
    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
  • Congratulations on your new doc! I hope it works out well for you.
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  • I switched 1/2 way through as well & I am SOOO thankful I did. Love my new OB! Good luck!
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  • Good for you! I started looking for a different practice at 16w and was very glad I ended up switching!
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