My daughters sickness is going to cause my entire head to gray. I swear. She is sick EVERY other week (that's not an exaggeration)- ever since starting Kindergarten, she is literally sick every other week. And it's never a MINOR cold, either. It's always high fevers, ear aches. This morning it was a sore throat, congestion and a 103 fever that I had a very hard time getting down. Finally, after 2 hours it broke and plummeted to 100.8.
I'm not a "run to the DR mom" but I finally called this afternoon. Last night she said her eat hurt, but I'm doing childrens Ibu. every 6 hours (for both ear and fever and throat) and she's not complaining anything hurts. But, we recently got a letter in her folder that strep throat was found in her classroom... so I called and made an appointment to get her checked, against my dismay. (esp. since her fever has gone way down). I guess I'd rather waste the $25 copay and just make sure she doesn't have the strep or ear infection. Id feel horrible if she were walking around with someone and I didn't get it checked.
I just feel bad for my baby. She went from being sick once a YEAR to every other week.. she's always sick, and she hates it. I hate these stinkin' germs in school!!!
Anyone else going through this since your child started school?
Tell me it gets better, eventually? Her immune system WILL adjust, right? Gah.
Re: Sick AGAIN
Oh I hear you. Christopher has been out on I think 4 occasions so far since September. One of them for a week!
His 1st year of preschool was the same. Worse, actually.