Forgive me if there are a million posts about this already, I only have a second while DS is entertained by his FP Piano Gym. lol
I had a C section almost a month ago and my discharge is still bright red and fairly heavy at times. I never soak a pad but it's way more than spotting at this point like I've read it should be by now. I have my 6 week PP appt scheduled for Jan 23 but I'm wondering if maybe this warrants a call to the office? Or is is this still in the realm of normal? I did have a particularly hard section with a LOT of pain. LO didn't want to come out and they used the vacuum extractor and had to really pull and stretch hard and make the incision bigger. Would that make a difference?
Thanks so much for any input!
ETA: I've had a cold and have been coughing. Sometimes I notice pain while coughing still, could that be pulling on my internal stitches making me bleed more?
Re: ? about too much bleeding after C section. Should I call my OB?
hey! i also have a nolan!
i think it sounds normal but if it would make you feel better i would call. i still have pain when i sneeze so i would say coughing pain is normal as well
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
Have you been more active than usual? That can be a factor with heavier bleeding. Call if you're worried!
And the coughing wouldn't affect how much you're bleeding.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)