Pregnant after a Loss

U/S this afternoon :)

It was good.  Got to see/hear the heartbeat.  The tech was awesome (I chose to go to a medical imaging center rather than the hospital, as they are much more caring there- my OB's office will send you to either place) and spent over an hour looking over everything and explaining everything she saw (they won't do this at my hospital, they just say "that's diagnosis. You'll have to consult with your dr.").  She did abdominal and trans-vag, so I got to see/hear the heartbeat twice- first time it was 178 and the second time it was 169.  My dates put me at 7w6d with an EDD of 8/21, but the measurements set me at 8w2d with an EDD of 8/19.  I'll take it.

Now to wait 4 more weeks before my next OB visit, and before the milestone of my loss.

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BFP #1 5/2004 Karina Frances born February 6, 2005 8 lb., 6 oz.
BFP #2 8/2010 Hadleigh Abigail born April 7, 2011 8 lb., 11 oz.
BFP #3 7/2011 EDD 3/27/12 Missed MC at 12w3d (Sara Grace)
BFP #4 12/13/11 EDD 8/19/12 Praying for this little baby!
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: U/S this afternoon :)

  • Aw! So happy for you! Glad they got you in today!
    Married since 06/2004, TTC since 01/2011

    BFP #1 and M/C 5/2011

    BFP #2 7/1/2011, Blighted ovums officially diagnosed at 9w6d, D&C 8/19/2011.

    BFP #3 12/7/2011, EDD 8/15/2012, Harper Lorelai born 8/09/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congratulations! Sounds like it was a great appointment.

    Married August 9, 2008
    TTC Since September 2009

    1st   BFP | EDD 10/23/10 | Natural M/C 03/27/10 | 10w 0d
    2nd BFP 06/26/10 | EDD 02/25/11 | Natural  M/C 07/17/10 | 8w 1d
    3rd  BFP 12/17/10 | EDD 08/24/11 | Natural M/C 12/31/10 | 7w 4d
    4th  BFP 06/22/11 | EDD 02/25/12 | M/C D&C on 07/27/11 | 9w4d
    5th  BFP 09/17/11 | DD Paige Lily born 05/16/12
    6th  BFP 08/11/12 | EDD 04/11/13 | CP
    7th  BFP 09/29/13 | EDD 06/04/14 | Natural M/C 10/27/13 | 8w1d
    8th  BFP 12/16/13 | EDD 09/01/14

    DX: Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 8 & compound heterozygous for MTHFR mutations
    RX: Lovenox/Heparin & Folgard


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  • That is great to hear! How nice that the techs at the imaging center are so caring and informative.  
  • Great first appt!
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  • That's awesome!  I'm so happy for you!!! 
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  • Aww yay Bri! Sooo happy for you :) hope these next 4 weeks go fast!

    TTC since 7/10, BFP#1~6/28/11(4wks2d)~EDD 3/4/12, missed m/c(8wks)~8/12/11, D&C~8/16/11
    BFP#2~12/15/11~EDD 8/25/12, Hannah born 8/22/12~ 7lbs 10oz & 21 in. long. :)

    BFP#3~1/12/14~EDD 9/23/14, Found out baby is a girl!~4/18/14 :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker



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  • Congrats on your great first appointment!
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