Hi out there!! I was wondering if anyone else out there is having triplets? I'm feeling kinda lost and alone because I know triplets aren't common. I'm excited and scared about this pregnancy.
If there aren't any triplets out there can I still join all you twiners?
Wishing you all a happy & healthy pregnancy!
Re: Anyone else having triplets?
Me (about 10.5 weeks)! I've only posted an intro because I've been pretty sick and just been so exhausted, but I've been lurking and trying to learn and let this soak in. I have a 3.5 year old and work full time so that just adds to the exhaustion. I go back to the doctor Thursday so I'm excited to see the babies again...maybe it will help this sink in a little more. I think I'm going to have to announce the pregnancy to work, etc. because I don't think I can hide it much longer....trying to mentally prepare myself for the stupid comments.
Good luck and I think scared and excited are perfect descriptions for how I feel as well!
Thirty Tiny Toes: My Triplet Blog NT Scan at 13 weeks 99% sure it's B/G/G! Contractions at 15 weeks and cerclage put in.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
hi ladies i am 8 weeks 4 days today with triplets started out as twins, im nervous & excited all at the same time it hasnt set in yet, have to make appt with high risk as well.My re said go over testing & selective reduction sometimes at risk carrying 3 are very high. i hope i dont have to decide that it would break my heart. there is pleny of people out there with multiples! we are not alone. im feeling tired & nauseas looking foward 2nd trimester.
wishing you all a happy & healthy pregnancy!