He's at DC all day and his teachers tell me he loves to touch their arms and say "I like your arm." Then at night when I'm with him (usually his dad is at work), he loves to lift his shirt and my shirt up and touch bellies - or touch his belly to my arm, etc. He just has this thing with skin contact. It doesn't bother me or anything, I just thinks it's... um... interesting? He doesn't do that to his dad or any men for that matter. I joke that he's a perverted old man trapped in a 3 yo body! Anyone else have a kid like that?
BTW - I'm never around anymore b/c of work, so thanks for letting me pop in and bother you!
Re: My 3 yo is obsessed with skin contact
He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be. He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.