Anyone here have twins in daycare? I am due in May, and am leaning toward trying to work from home as a freelance editor (I already do freelance work, and have contacts), with my dad offering to take them for a few hours a day, a few days a week (he has help lined up already!).
However, I'd also like to have plan B ready in case that does not work out. It all depends on how much work I think I can do with twins as well as how much I'd have to fork out for daycare. If it's as much as I think it is for twins, I want to be mentally prepared. Here are my questions.
1. Does anyone have any recommendations for child care in the Kenwood/Deer Park/Sycamore Township area?
2. How much approximately are you paying (can be outside of the areas listed in #1)? I know there are discounts for more than one child, but I'm wondering how much of a discount. I imagine that it's about $200 per week for one child, but for two? Even with a 50% discount, that's still about $1200 per month. Ouch.
I will be calling around, but I wouldn't mind having some idea of how much people are paying for multiple child discounts before I do call. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Child care recommendations and advice needed
I am in Mason, so I am only familiar with daycare centers in that area.
I don't have twins in daycare but I have a 23 month old and a newborn. With our center the same price is charged until they are about 18 months, so we are only paying about $40 less than if we had two newborns. We looked into a nanny vs daycare and found that the cost would be about the same and it would be more if we had to provide benefits.
As for the discount for a second child its 10% at our daycare. We are paying about $2,100 a month. I am at a center, not an at home daycare.
I don't have outside twins yet, but I am in a similar situation. I have the ability to bring the babes to work when they are here, but don't think that's the most conducive for any of us. I called around to the centers in my area (Amelia/ Anderson) and the centers seem to offer anywhere from 5-15% off for the second child. The rates when I called, for both for a week, were as follows:
Goddard 376.60/wk
All About Kids 507/wk.
Jelly Bean Junction 410.40/wk
Child Focus 388.50/ wk
Rainbow 342.00/ wk
I think a nanny would have to be at least $10/hr (plus taxes and benefits), it's really not any cheaper. Hope that helps!
Holy Moly...which Goddard quoted you $376 a week? That is a stellar price. When DD was an infant, the full time rate was well over $1K a month, and 3 days a week was $800. I would jump all over that in an instant. We love everything about the Goddard program, but we pay twice what you were quoted for 3 days a week in a toddler room. Jump in on that. That is crazy low.
It is the one on 125 towards Amelia. I *think* it is so low because they built a JellyBean Junction literally right across the street.
ETA: they also seem to currently have openings in all the age groups. That makes me a little bit suspicious.
Thanks so much for all of the helpful replies! I knew that the discount wouldn't be 50% for more than one child (I was just using that as an example), but I'm sad to hear it's only about 10%.
However...we do live very close to Deer Park as well! If you don't mind, I'd love to have her contact information.