DS decided he doesn't want to go to bed. I was trying to break the boob=sleep habit by keeping him a little bit awake to place him in bed drowsy or in many occasions we would just hang out on the glider until sleep would over come him, but he would still fall asleep around his bed time, between 8pm and 9pm, only sometimes he'd go past that falling asleep around 9:30 ish.
Now, after nursing, he's wired, he's ready for play, he gets all excited, he's squealing with excitement!!! After two nights of this I decided it was not a fluke. Once he fell asleep at 11:30 pm! This has been going on for almost a week now. I don't want to have a case of the "25 hour day" because I noticed he was waking up later and later. His naps are still the same. But here is what I noticed; that he is tired--rubbing eyes, yawning, but as soon as I try to cradle him or rock him he fights it, he's wide awake and starts to get all wired again. So the past two nights I "forced" him to fall asleep by rocking him and pacing with him and singing to him, he was fighting me though, arching his back and fussing, but not full on crying. He fell asleep within 10 minutes and he did wake up at his usual 8:30 am.
Here is another observation, I think his belly is bothering him, because when he arches his back shortly after he passes gas, his belly looks bloated and it's just a gut feeling I have that his belly might be bothering him. Can it be because now he is eating more? My mom made him chicken soup and beef soup (broth meat and veggies) and he's been eating that for lunch and he loves it. I have seen bits of food in his diaper so I know he is eating more (as well as some fruits BLW).
Any thoughts? Sorry it got a bit long! TIA!
Re: Why doesn't DS want to go to bed???
No matter what his mood is, if I put him in bed awake he'll have a screaming fest, he acts as if his pnp is the worst thing in the world (oddly enough naps are fine). Only after he's calmed down and it's almost about to fall asleep (more asleep than awake) can I put him down.
My Blog: Naturally Mindful
Maybe it's an age thing or a phase? I dunno, my LO just started doing this as of last week. However, our bedtime is much earlier than yours (between 6:30 and 7). He used to fall asleep at the bottle, or immediately after he finished it (which we are ok with, he is able to put himself to sleep, he does it for naps). Just last week he started finishing his bottle and then wanting to play. I usually just cuddle and rock him for 5 minutes or so and then tell him I love him and place him in his crib. Sometimes he fusses, sometimes he goes to sleep right away, sometimes he plays in his crib (in the pitch black, I dont get it?) for 10 or 15 minutes and then goes to sleep. I just chalked it up to the next stage of independance?
If it continues another week or so we are going to use it as the cue to change our routine. We dont like him falling asleep on the bottle as we want to brush his teeth before bed. So we will change his routine to bath, bottle, brush, book, cuddles and bed. (As opposed to bath,brush,book,bottle,bed)
Omg! This is exactly what dd has been doing this week! I was getting online tonight to get some ideas f why this may be happening. I think she may be overtired as well....although I have a bigger problem. She nurses t sleep, and sleeps with us in our bed. Naps on me still or on our bed! I have tried CIO only a few times and she's been pulling up to standing in the crib almost immediately. I don't know if I have the energy for CIO, she's a very persistent baby. She is sleeping though the night just Right next to mommy. Hopefully this too is just a phase, I think I'll. E moving up her bedtime. I'm noticing at 6ish she's starting to look tired.