Someone asked a similar question on my BMB and I'm curious about with twins. I am entitled to 16wks job protection through Mass Law, but that doesn't cover pay (and we can only afford for me to take 12wks). My boss did say we would work out a flex schedule for those last 4 weeks or beyond, which is awesome, so I'm not too worried.
But I need a doctor's note for the post-birth weeks for STD pay. And I'm wondering how much time post-birth your doctor recommended you be out? Both for vaginal and c-section deliveries.
Obviously I will be asking my specific doctors but I'm curious.
ETA: and obviously if I go on bed rest this will affect how much time off I can get after the babies come -- but should not affect the post-birth recovery time granted.
Re: How much time did your doctor approve for you to be off?
I've never heard of a doctor dictating time off post partum. In my experience, it's always your job (or state law). I took 8 weeks off and then went back to work full time. Had I wanted to take more time off, it turn into FMLA unpaid time.
Interesting -- my STD needs a doctor's approval and timeline. My job protection does not, I believe, but if I want to get paid for part of my leave I need doctor approval.
Its my understanding that a doctor can only approve you for STD if you have a medical need to be off work. Unfortunately, giving birth to twins doesn't fall into the category of warranting paid leave due to a medical condition- unless of course you truly do have medical issues post partum. To classify you as being unable to work, simply because you want to be paid while your off would be illegal. If I were you, I'd ask your doctor directly what she typically does.
I should clarify -- I will be getting STD b/c *birth* falls under medical conditions through the company my work uses. So that's set -- I'm getting a certain amount of my leave paid under STD.
The amount of time will, I think, depend on the doctor and the delivery method. Which is what I was curious about here.
And Massachusetts *does* acknowledge a difference in giving birth to twins, but I am not sure if this will carry over to the medical/STD side, or just the job protection side.
I will definitely be asking my doctors.
I work in MA and had no idea about this law...any link or reference you can provide? I am taking leave through my summer break so it's not a huge issue but I am curious.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
I work for a disability insurance company, so I hope I can help clear the air a little. Per the policy, you will need a doctor certifying your disability. And yes, childbirth and recovery is considered a disability under a majority of plans. Now whether it's 6 or 8 weeks based on vaginal or c-section, that is normally dictated by the STD policy. That's why a doctor is not necessary going to help with the post-partum recovery length you receive from STD. If, however, you have complications with your recovery (and I pray you do not and that I do not), your doctor's opinion and statement is needed to extend the benefits. Good Luck! The best thing I can recommend is to obtain a copy of your STD policy/plan from your ER. If it's a State Disability plan, you should be able to obtain a copy of that as well. Good Luck!
Iiiiii see. So standard time is set -- it's anything that you need AFTER that specifically for recovery purposes.
Makes sense. Thanks!!!
Check it! It's really great and I would bring it up directly w/ your HR person. I told him at our first meeting that this was law in MA. NOT that I have to take it and NOT that it will be paid, but that I can legally take 16 weeks off and my job is protected. He said "yes, this is true," and moved on. MMLA runs concurrently with FMLA though, so it's just like getting an additional 4wks on top of FMLA.
yup this. I am in MA too and didn't know until I contacted my HR dept about the paperwork I needed to hand in for my FMLA - talk about a fab surprise...I took all 16 weeks (with only 4 weeks of it paid w/PTO) and it was well worth it...
Hmm...I am meeting with HR tomorrow. I doubt I will be able to afford 16 weeks after the babies since I am counting on taking time prior to their arrival but good to know.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
I *think* you can use the time to help arrange a flexible work arrangement if your job is stricter, too. I'm not sure, though.
If I don't go into labor/have them before, I started my FMLA at 38wks, since I won't go much past that, anyway. If that helps you plan/decide at all.
I'm in MA and took the 16 wks ( two 8 week leaves) and since I had a c/s my STD paid me for 8 weeks. I then had 5 weeks PTO through work... so I went unpaid for a couple weeks. I think its pretty standard to get 8 weeks for c/s and 6 wks for vaginal delivery. I just needed a note stating I had a c/s to submit with my FMLA forms.
I should add that I didn't get any addition time off due to having twins so I couldn't collect anything extra for having two babies.
I took 2 weeks off prior to having the babies and then my FMLA/MMLA leave the day the girls were born so I technically was off for 18 weeks.
My DH works in HR and deals with labor laws and knew about the twin birth MMLA and I informed my HR dept about it... they didn't even know about it! I had to print out the law for them!!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks