
Night time training issue. Help!

My 4 yo does not wake up to pee in the middle of the night. He has wet the bed more than not in the past two weeks. I've tried my best to limit fluids, and he always pees before going to bed. Any suggestions?

Re: Night time training issue. Help!

  • Does he still wear Pull Ups? I didn't put either of my two youngest to bed in underwear until they woke up dry for a month straight. He might just physically not be able to hold it over night at this age.
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • 1.  Wake him up again to go when you are going to bed.

    2.  Go back to pull-ups and wait til his body is ready to be night trained.  It's not something you can force.

    3.  If he snores or is a restless sleeper, get his adenoids looked at.  Getting them removed often ends bedwetting, but it involves general anesthesia.

    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

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  • imageMominator:
    Does he still wear Pull Ups? I didn't put either of my two youngest to bed in underwear until they woke up dry for a month straight. He might just physically not be able to hold it over night at this age.

    He does wear pull-ups at night ... Pees right through a 4t size. We are so tired of changing sheets! I will do the night wake up. 

  • imagemeghans30:

    Does he still wear Pull Ups? I didn't put either of my two youngest to bed in underwear until they woke up dry for a month straight. He might just physically not be able to hold it over night at this age.

    He does wear pull-ups at night ... Pees right through a 4t size. We are so tired of changing sheets! I will do the night wake up. 

    Is he in size 3T-4T or size 4T-5T? I'd go up a size if you're in the smaller ones. Otherwise, have you tried UnderJams (smallest size starts at 38 lbs) or GoodNights (size 4-8, I believe also starts at 38 lbs)? We actually have all 3 for DD1 right now. The UnderJams and GoodNights are both the same size. They seem huge, but we've never had a leak with them.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imageAngela814:

    Does he still wear Pull Ups? I didn't put either of my two youngest to bed in underwear until they woke up dry for a month straight. He might just physically not be able to hold it over night at this age.

    He does wear pull-ups at night ... Pees right through a 4t size. We are so tired of changing sheets! I will do the night wake up. 

    Is he in size 3T-4T or size 4T-5T? I'd go up a size if you're in the smaller ones. Otherwise, have you tried UnderJams (smallest size starts at 38 lbs) or GoodNights (size 4-8, I believe also starts at 38 lbs)? We actually have all 3 for DD1 right now. The UnderJams and GoodNights are both the same size. They seem huge, but we've never had a leak with them.

    I've used these for my oldest. He still wears a pull up at night, even though it has been ages since he has peed at night. It's a security thing with him.  Right now we are using the Night time pull-ups, I'll try the underjams on him.  I think the night-time pull-ups are Goodnights? 

  • My 6 year old still wears a pull-up at night.  We have gone through phases where it seemed like I was changing the sheets all the time, regardless of the pull-up.  He's just now started to have some dry nights.  My 4 year old is nowhere close to being ready for underwear at night.
  • My 3 y.o. wets the bed once or twice a week sometimes.  He refuses to wear a pull up though.  I was sick of changing the sheets so often, so I have thick pads, like what they use in nursing homes-they were leftover from my dad and grandma-and then put a sheet folded in half over that.  When it's wet, I just swap it out quickly with another set.  It doesn't help your bedwetting issue, but it may help with the sheet one until he gets past this stage!
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • imagelsufan:
    My 6 year old still wears a pull-up at night.  We have gone through phases where it seemed like I was changing the sheets all the time, regardless of the pull-up.  He's just now started to have some dry nights.  My 4 year old is nowhere close to being ready for underwear at night.

    I am so relieved to hear my 6 yo isn't the only one still in a pull up! He doesn't wet 98% of the time, but associates pjs with a pull-up. It's a battle I'm choosing not to fight right now. 

  • My 4.5 yr old still needs "night pants" as we call them.  We use the Underjam type ones, size small.  He absolutely hates them but no matter how much we limit drinks or what time he goes to the bathroom last, he still wakes up with a full pad.  He has never leaked with the Underjams.  I refuse to change sheets every day so until he wakes up dry, we will stick with this.  I plan to talk to his pediatrician at his 5 yr check up in May.  I'm sure it's pretty normal, but it concerned me because my 6 yr old never needed anything at night.  Once he was potty trained, he was able to hold it all night too so I just assumed DS#2 should be too, but every kid is different.
  • My pedi says they don't start to become concerned until the child is around age 10 re: night wetting.  My friend who is an RN and was the camp nurse at summer camp said that you would not believe how many kids are in older grades (4th, 5th, 6th) who are still wetting at night.  Many were given short term meds to help w/that while at camp & she had to dispense.

    So, the fact that a 4yo is still wetting the bed is not concerning at all to me.  My 4.5 yo is wet more than she is dry- she wears a pull up at night.  I have found that she will frequently wet just a couple of hours after going to bed so if I remember I try to take her pee (we keep a small potty in her room) and if I do that, she is likely dry in the morning.  But I'm not worried about it at all.

  • This.  Go up a size...even if it's not in your DS's weight range.  We use Huggies Overnight Pullups and moved up a size.  DD is 4.5 and no more leaks!
  • Ditto on the next size up.  What worked for us was putting underwear on DS, then putting a pull-up OVER his underwear. He could feel that he was getting wet (and didn't like it) but it wasn't getting all over everything. He eventually stopped peeing at night, and once he was dry for several weeks in a row we took the pull-up away.
    Happy 4th birthday!
    Matthew James 1/11/07
  • Put him a pull-up as it sounds like he is no where near being ready to be night trained.  Some kids don't night train for a few years after they are day trained and having him wet his bed every night and not phase him is a sure sign he is not ready.  My DD will be 4 in March, she day trained at age 3 and very rarely wakes up at night to pee.  She will go a few weeks waking up dry and then have a few nights in a row where she wakes up wet.  We do the same things every night as far as drinks and going potty before bed.  She is just not ready to wake up from her deep sleep to realize she has to pee or to even realize she has peed in her pull-up.  When I get her in the morning, she tells me if she is wet or dry - she is just a hard sleeper and I know it will take her time to wake up at night or just make it all night without having to pee.  For me, I feel that a good night sleep is way better than waking up wet and having to change the sheets every night.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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