Two Under 2

Preparing (will be) 19 mo old for new sibling? Sleep Q

This is a "what would your now-self tell your then-self" question.  I'm due in early Aug, so DD will be 19 months old then. 

I'm worried specifically about her getting jealous of the new baby, and the fact that she still wakes up a few times a night.  She's also still in our room, which is de-facto the only bedroom "we" have, due to the fact that DH's cousin is now living with us. I was really hoping to get DD used to sleeping in a room alone before the baby comes, but  I don't know where to put her now - it's inappropriate (as well as in this case counterproductive) to have DD share a room with a 20-something adult who's not her parent. The only other room is the living room, our only common area, and I doubt DH is willing to tell his cousin "you need to be in your room by X time."  She's a night owl who tivos/watches a couple hours of TV shows (fine for an adult, but NOT okay to watch in a baby's presence) after the rest of us have gone to bed - this was a compromise. 

I've tried brainstorming a couple solutions to get DD sleeping on her own, but feel like I'm so frustrated by the living situation and other things that I can't even think straight. WWYD?


Re: Preparing (will be) 19 mo old for new sibling? Sleep Q

  • I would work more on trying to get his cousin out by may/june the latest so you have a few months to get her to adjust to sleeping a sep room. When you do have her in the other room, sleep with her in that room or just move her into her room when she is asleep if possible. OR you could start with naps in the new room. I would just bite the bullet and do it once the cousin moves out, try to put her to bed in there and be patient knowing it wont be forever that she is not used to it. Be consistent by reassuring her and going in when she needs and in a few weeks she'll be fine. 
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  • imageCaitlinJ22:
    I would work more on trying to get his cousin out by may/june 

    My husband wouldn't go for putting a deadline on it like that though... the only reason she's in her position is she was taking care of a sick family member (closer relative to us, so technically she did us a huge favor).  I know she's dying to get a job/get back to her life, but the market here just sucks and we can't really turn someone out with no way to support herself. 

    I guess "suck it up" is the consensus then?

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  • image*Cheese*:

    I would work more on trying to get his cousin out by may/june 

    My husband wouldn't go for putting a deadline on it like that though... the only reason she's in her position is she was taking care of a sick family member (closer relative to us, so technically she did us a huge favor).  I know she's dying to get a job/get back to her life, but the market here just sucks and we can't really turn someone out with no way to support herself. 

    I guess "suck it up" is the consensus then?

    Yeah, I think any other option would be counterproductive and more work than it would be worth.  Why get DD adjusted to, say, sleeping in the living room just to turn around and work with her sleeping in her room?

  • Maybe working to help her sleep through the night while in your room so when you can move her into her "big girl room" it won't feel like a dramatic move for her?  My son is 16 months (my daughter is 2 months) and we have used "cry it out" to help him sleep through the night.  I know some people are against the Ferber Method but it worked for us and when we moved him into his own room before his sister was born it went very smoothly because he was sleeping 6pm-5am on his own anyway. 

     Good luck!

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