South Jersey Babies

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend? What's on your agenda for the week?

Our weekend was nice.  DD had her 6 month well baby visit on Saturday, we went out to dinner that night while my SIL watched her.  Sunday we took a drive down to Cape May so DD could meet my aunt.  We ate lunch at Lucky Bones and then walked the mall.

This week looks low key (thankfully!).  The only obligation we have is with Tony Horton and P90X Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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Re: Happy Monday!

  • Our weekend was crazy. We tried to order the bathroom fixtures to start the remodel of the main bathroom. But we couldn't decided what style faucet and shower head we liked. So we left with some books and we're getting prices on them today. 

    We went home to start our quick weekend project (thankfully MIL had E and D for the day) Well the project is still unfinished. We're in the process of changing the laundry room off the kitchen into a walk-in pantry. We moved the laundry room last march into our bathroom off of our master bedroom, which I love its makes doing laundry so easy for me. I can just put all the clean clothes on my bed to be folded.

    Plans for this week, finish the pantry and order the bathroom stuff and get my truck back from DH. He's had it all week cause his truck is at the body shop from when a tree branch fell on it in Oct.   

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