I have an SBISH snapless fitted that I never use. It's perfectly fine, I don't know why I don't like it, I just don't. The terry cloth part has been dyed a light purple and is in good shape. I bought it used so I don't know what it's like new but the elastic on the legs is great and everything is really soft. I have both inserts for it, both with the SBISH tag so I know they're original. No stains or anything that I can see. We're smoke free with a dog. I wash using soap nuts, occassionally stripping with Blue Dawn.
I have no idea what to ask for this and I can't remember what I paid for it. I know they're expensive new but I know I didn't pay more than $20 for it. I've used it TWICE! Ha!
So, PM me or make an offer here please. I'll post a pic tomorrow. Emmaline is sleeping and it's sitting in her room right now so I can't take a pic now! ; )