Anyone use cloth diapers on 2u2? My little ones will be 20 months apart. We have 26 BG4 dipes right now. How many extra would you suggest for when the second baby arrives (doing wash every other day)? I was also pondering looking into cloth trainers and moving DD into those when the new baby arrives, since I image we will start potty training a few months after the second baby arrives. Anyone find any trainers they like?
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Re: Cloth diapers
I CD'd FT for the first 4-6 months of having 2u2, then got tired of changing two kids every 1.5 hours while out of the house so I used sposies for DS (he's a heavy wetter) while out. I had about 45 pocket diapers and some PFs with covers as backup. I did wash every other day though I had enough to go longer, the washing machine coiuldnt hold more than 1.5 days worth of two diapers.