Two Under 2

Angel Care Monitor

We have this for my son and we are expecting again late summer.  I would like to use this with the new baby as I loved it with my son.  I will need something for new baby and wondering if anyone has added a monitor or what needs to be done to continue to use this.  Will I need a second complete system for my son?  Any help is appreciated
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Re: Angel Care Monitor

  • We used one with DD1 and loved it as well. Since our condo is so small we don't actually NEED a monitor since we can hear just fine, but the movement sensor was the reason we used it. We were planning to just move the angelcare and try and hook it up to the pack n play for DD2 but we could never get it to work right so we just didn't use it. I'm planning on getting the Snuza Halo for this baby (it clips on to them) since we'll likely have her sleep in the rock n play or pack n play for awhile right next to our bed so no need for the actual sound monitor part.
    DC1 (2.5) | DC2 (1) | #3 due 6.1.2012
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