
When signing your last name? Grammar ?

Is it:


Lastname's  with the 's at the end

So it my last name is Scott (its not) would it be

the Scotts

the Scott's


Or does this even matter? 

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Re: When signing your last name? Grammar ?

  • Apostrophes show possession. It is incorrect to use one in that instance. 
  • The Scotts, right?
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  • imagebebemama:
    The Scotts, right?


  • Absolutely The Scotts.

    It makes me crazy when superfluous apostrophes are used. (Former English teacher)

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Haha I never know!  I always sign with The Scott Family.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • No apostrophe.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    Absolutely The Scotts.

    It makes me crazy when superfluous apostrophes are used. (Former English teacher)

    Ditto, except I was not ever an English teacher.  It surprises me how many well educated people throw that apostrophe on to their last names.

  • EMTEMT member

    I asked this a few weeks ago but I think the fact that our last name ends in an "s" makes it even more difficult.

    I showed DH the wording of the invite (why I was asking) and he argued with me that the correct way looked wrong. I kind of agree with him.

    So anyway, the plural of Holmes is Holmeses. You would say the Holmeses. So yes in your case, it would be Scotts.

  • Yep. No apostrophe. This drives me crazy during Christmas card season (I design photo cards). I correct it on customers' cards.
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